
来源 :四川音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmlovejj
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在成都西郊,有一座五代时期(公元10世纪)前蜀国君主王建的墓葬。墓中寝台基础上,镌有24幅乐舞石刻图像,是考据前蜀歌舞音乐的重要史迹。其中,有两幅为舞人,长袖轻拂,作举足踏节的姿态;其余22幅为坐部伎演乐的场面,分别操弄着琵琶、箜篌、筝、笙、排箫、笛、篪、筚篥、贝、叶、铜跋、拍板、羯鼓、腰鼓、鼗鼓等多种不同的乐器。从这里,不仅能了解到当时的常用乐器的类别,而且也可以基本了解到当时宫庭乐队的形制,对研究我国唐代以后的音乐 In the western suburbs of Chengdu, there is a tomb of Wang Jian, a former monarch of Shu Dynasty, during the Five Dynasties period (10th century AD). On the basis of the tomb in the tomb, engraved with 24 music and dance stone carving images, is an important historic site of song and dance music. Among them, there are two dancers, long-sleeved flirting, holding up a full-foot gesture; the other 22 are sitting on the scene of the performance trick, respectively manipulating the pipa, 箜 篌, zheng, Sheng, pan flute, flute , Chi, 筚 篥, shellfish, leaves, copper Postscript, clapboard, 鼓 drum, waist drum, 鼗 drum and many other instruments. From here, not only can we understand the types of commonly used instruments at that time, but also can basically understand the shape of the court band at that time and study the music after the Tang Dynasty in our country
教育部社政司出版管理处 田敬诚处长讲话 中国人丈社科学报学会理事长、 北京大学龙协涛教授作报告 南宁市副市长、一南宁职业技术学院 」党委书记郑军健致开幕词全国高职院
Pore water pressure and water content are important indicators to both deposition and consolidation of debris flows, enabling a direct assessment of consolidati
近年来出现了时髦名词——背景音乐,但为何称『背景音乐』呢?总觉得有点不伦不类。背景音乐是根据英语BACKGROUND MUSIC译来的,由于前一词多为 In recent years, there has
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纯一度与纯八度的训练方法纯一度双音是指两个同音同时振动发声所形成的双音[谱例1]。纯一度双音的训练可从空弦开始训练,依次先在E A D依次训练。轻拉空弦E,然后在A弦一把