典型 鲜活 广泛——试析《今日谈》“从身边看变化”征文特色

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《今日谈》是人民日报开辟的一个以刊登政治性短论的综合性、群众性的评论专栏,自创办起就担负起了传民声、达民意,正确引导民众言论的时代重担。在党的十六大召开前夕,为了更好地配合党和政府关于十六大的宣传工作,《今日谈》专栏开展了题为“从身边看变化”的征文活动。这次征文内容以身边的小事为主,截止到征文结束共发稿上百篇。这些稿件在读者中引起了强烈的反响。尤其是征文的典型性、广泛性和鲜活性受人称道。 “Today’s Talks” is a comprehensive and mass comment column opened by People’s Daily to publish the commentary column of comprehensive and mass commentaries on political short stories. Since its establishment, it has shouldered the burden of passing on people’s voices, reaching people’s opinions and correctly guiding people’s remarks. On the eve of the 16th CPC National Congress, in order to better meet the propaganda work of the Party and the government on the 16th CPC National Congress, the column entitled “Today’s Talks” carried out an essay entitled “Changing from the side”. The contents of this essay to the little things around the main, as of the end of essay a total of hundreds of articles. These manuscripts aroused strong repercussions among readers. In particular, the typical essay, breadth and freshness praised.
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