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目的:调查了解某部新兵口腔健康状况,为开展口腔预防保健工作提供参考依据。方法:选择陆军某炮兵旅2015年入伍新兵692例,参照第3次全国口腔健康流行病学调查标准,采取分层和整群抽样方法,由经过培训的人员采用统一标准进行调查。逐一询问调查对象年龄、户籍及所在地、罹患口腔疾病情况、既往史等,采用一次性平面口镜和口腔通用探针进行口腔检查,检查项目包括龋坏牙的数目、牙位、有无残根和缺失,询问导致残根和缺失牙的原因,氟斑牙情况,第三磨牙萌出的数目、位置,以及牙龈炎、牙石等牙周疾病患病情况等,并进行统计分析。结果:(1)本组692例中,罹患龋病209例,占30.2%。龋坏牙数共413颗,龋均0.597,位于上颌123颗,占龋坏牙的29.8%;位于下颌290颗,占70.2%;下颌牙龋病患病率非常显著高于上颌牙(P<0.01)。第一、第二磨牙龋病患病率均非常显著高于其他牙位牙(P<0.01)。不同性别新兵龋病患病率比较,差异不显著(P>0.05);不同户籍新兵龋病患病率比较,亦差异不显著(P>0.05)。(2)本组692例中,罹患牙龈炎175例,占25.3%;牙石445例,占64.3%。未发现其他牙周疾病。不同性别新兵牙龈炎患病率比较,差异不显著(P>0.05);男兵牙石患病率非常显著高于女兵(P<0.01)。农村籍新兵牙龈炎和牙石患病率,均略高于城镇籍新兵,但二者比较差异不显著(P>0.05)。(3)本组692例中,第三磨牙萌出1~4颗共228例,占32.9%,其中,4颗第三磨牙正常位置完全萌出23例,占3.3%;下颌第三磨牙部分萌出及已萌出但近中或(和)水平阻生172例,占24.9%。不同性别新兵第三磨牙萌出率比较,差异不显著(P>0.05)。(4)本组692例中,罹患氟斑牙101例,占14.6%。氟斑牙患病率居前4位的分别为贵州、山西、河南和湖北籍新兵。结论:某部新兵口腔健康状况不容乐观,应有针对性地加强新兵口腔疾病的预防保健工作。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate and understand the oral health status of some recruits and provide references for oral preventive health care. Methods: An army artillery brigade selected 692 new recruits in 2015. According to the 3rd National Oral Health Epidemiological Survey, a stratified and cluster sampling method was adopted, and the trained personnel adopted a uniform standard to investigate. One by one asked the age, household registration and location of the survey, the prevalence of oral diseases, past history, the use of one-time oral and common mouth oral probe oral examination items include the number of dental caries, teeth, with or without residual roots And missing, asked the cause of residual roots and missing teeth, dental fluorosis, the number of the third molar eruption, location, and gingivitis, periodontal disease such as dental calculus and so on, and statistical analysis. Results: (1) Of the 692 cases in this group, 209 cases were suffering from dental caries, accounting for 30.2%. There were 413 carious dental caries with caries of 0.597, accounting for 29.8% of maxillary teeth and 29.8% of dental carious teeth, 290 of which were mandibular, accounting for 70.2%. The prevalence of dental caries in mandibular teeth was significantly higher than that of maxillary teeth (P < 0.01). The prevalence of dental caries in the first and second molars were significantly higher than those in other teeth (P <0.01). There was no significant difference in prevalence of dental caries between different gender recruits (P> 0.05). There was no significant difference in caries prevalence among recruits with different genders (P> 0.05). (2) In this group of 692 cases, 175 cases of gingivitis, accounting for 25.3%; 445 cases of dental calculus, accounting for 64.3%. No other periodontal disease was found. The prevalence rate of gingivitis among different gender recruits was not significantly different (P> 0.05). The prevalence of dental calculus in male soldiers was significantly higher than that of female soldiers (P <0.01). The incidence of gingivitis and calculus in rural recruits was slightly higher than that of urban recruits, but the difference was insignificant (P> 0.05). (3) Among the 692 cases in this group, there were 228 cases (32.9%) of the third molars with 1 ~ 4 eruptions, of which, the third molars completely erupted in 23 cases (3.3%), the third molars erupted Eruption has been made but in the near (or) level of 172 cases of obstruction, accounting for 24.9%. There was no significant difference in the eruption rate of the third molars among different gender recruits (P> 0.05). (4) Of the 692 cases in this group, 101 patients had dental fluorosis, accounting for 14.6%. The prevalence of dental fluorosis in the top 4 were recruits from Guizhou, Shanxi, Henan and Hubei. Conclusion: The oral health status of a certain recruits is not optimistic, so it should be targeted to strengthen preventive health care for oral diseases.
摘 要 运动生物力学作为一门实践性极强的应用学科,以其对运动技术动作简明而严密的力学分析,在体育教学中已受到众多体育教师的重视和应用。如一把打开体育科学的金钥匙,运动生物力学是我们进行体育科研的重要科学手段和方法,也是我国体育科技创新步入新世纪的通行证。它把体育运动中各项动作技术赋予生物学和力学的观点和方法,使复杂的体育动技术奠基于最基本的生物学和力学的规律之上,并以数学、生物学及运动技术原理的形
摘 要 羽毛球运动是集休闲娱乐、比赛竞技于一体的运动项目,不同年龄、不同性别以及不同体质的人都能在羽毛球运动中找到乐趣并且具有强身健体的作用。经常参加羽毛球运动,能起到调节情感、消除疲劳、活动身体、促进发育、预防疾病、增进健康等功效;同时还能够促进身体素质的全面发展,促进智力的开发,培养勇敢顽强、机智果断的心理品质。但是,羽毛球运动是属于对抗性运动项目,竞争程度比较激烈,运动量也比较大。对于长期参
摘 要 本文章是对山西省长治市从事业余羽毛球运动爱好者发生运动损伤的部位一年就及康复机制。业余羽毛球运动爱好者由于身体素质不够好,所以他们在运动时很少能做出很大力量的动作,因此很少发生急性损伤,大多数为慢性损伤。  关键词 羽毛球 损伤部位 研究  中图分类号:G847 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2016)06-040-01  一、前言  羽毛球是一个隔网对抗性的运动,业余羽毛球
摘 要 结合手球运动项目动作结构特点,解剖,生物力学特性及现有的研究成果,对手球运动员损伤情况进行综述。分析手球项目中膝关节运动损伤及其机理,以为运动员,教练员改进训练方法,预防与减少运动损伤,提高训练水平提供参考依据。  关键词 手球运动员 膝关节 运动损伤 预防  中图分类号:G844 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2016)06-040-01  手球运动在我国竞技体育领域里是一
摘 要 本文是对商丘师范学院排球专选学生运动损伤现状进行的调查分析。调查发现,排球专选学生运动损伤的发生率较高,主要以韧带拉伤为主。运动损伤的主要原因是技术动作错误,准备活动不充分,身体疲劳等。通过对现状的调查和分析得出了结论,并提出了适当的建议与预防措施,以便更好地预防运动损伤情况的发生。  关键词 运动损伤 排球专选学生 专项训练  中图分类号:G842 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-93