OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between body damage, heat dose, and the quantification of thermal tolerance in whole body hyperthermia. METHODS: NIH mice were treated with heating at 405°C, 410°C, 415°C, 420°C, 425°C, 430°C for different periods of time to observe the death. The heat tolerance experiment was conducted at 415°C for 25 minutes as a guide and then every 24 hours for different temperature-time treatments to record the mortality rate. RESULTS: The half-lifetimes at 415°C, 42°C, 425°C and 43°C for different heating time were 4081min, 2252min, 1823min and 1378min, respectively. Thermal tolerance studies confirmed that the hyperthermia was the strongest after 24 hours, followed by a reduction of nearly 50% every 24 hours, but the heat tolerance at 415°C for 24 hours was close to infinity. There was no death at 405°C for 3 hours and 40% for 41°C. CONCLUSIONS: Heat tolerance occurs in mice after whole body hyperthermia for about 2 hours at 415°C; maximum heat tolerance occurs in 24 hours and decreases by approximately 50% every 24 hours.