亨利·莫瓦桑(Henri Moissan),法国 化学家。生于1852年9月28日,因首 次制得单质氟等一系列发明获得1906 年诺贝尔化学奖。 “救救我!救救我吧!”一个中年男 子双手捂着腹部,吃力地向巴黎的一 家药房走来。他大口地喘着气,冷汗顺 着面颊流下来,额头青筋暴起,难忍的 痛苦使他眼斜鼻歪,神情十分吓人。他
Henri Moissan, a French chemist. Born on September 28, 1852, the 1906 Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded for a series of inventions such as the first single-element fluorine. “Save me! Help me!” A middle-aged man clutching his stomach with both hands, struggling to come to a pharmacy in Paris. He gasped in his mouth, cold sweat streaming down his cheek, his forehead swollen, his unbearable anguish tilted his eyes, his expression was scary. he