Effects of RE and Vanadium on Microalloyed Steel

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gf2516
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The effects of RE were studied by TEM, SEM, ICP and thermal simulation methods in vanadium microalloyed steel. The content of RE in the solid solution can reach the order of 10 -5 ~10 -4 in steel. The solid solution of RE was found to reduce the stability of precipitated V(C,N), impede the precipitation of V(C,N) in austenite, and accelerate and refine the precipitation of V(C,N) in ferrite. The combined effect of RE and V is to delay the dynamic recrystallization, refine the grains and second phase particles, and to promote the precipitation of V(C,N) obviously. Thus the microalloying with RE and V leads to raising the strength and toughness of steel. The effects of RE were studied by TEM, SEM, ICP and thermal simulation methods in vanadium microalloyed steel. The content of RE in the solid solution can reach the order of 10 -5 ~ 10 -4 in steel. The solid solution of RE was found to reduce the stability of precipitated V (C, N), impede the precipitation of V (C, N) in austenite, and accelerate and refine the precipitation of V (C, N) in ferrite. The combined effect of RE and V is the delay in dynamic recrystallization, refine the grains and second phase particles, and to promote the precipitation of V (C, N) obviously. Thus the microalloying with RE and V leads to raising the strength and toughness of steel.
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