
来源 :江苏农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveme2001
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1994~1995年采用棉铃虫初孵幼虫鉴定R1、R2、R3代Bt转基因棉花2000多株次,筛选出R1代抗虫效果达80%以上的单株11个,占参测株6.21%;R2代(株系)15个,占参测株系13.89%;R3代375株,占参测株71.29%。12份材料进入复鉴,8份材料在罩笼接虫中,百株活虫数及被害蕾铃率平均比对照分别减少88%~100%及90%~100%;叶、蕾饲喂棉铃虫3龄幼虫,毒性效果均在80%以上,3龄棉铃虫幼虫取食抗虫棉后,取食量、排泄量及体长和体重增长率比对照减少50%~107%,第四天出现死虫,且对红铃虫亦有较强的抗性,可以作为抗棉铃虫品系利用 From 1994 to 1995, the first generation of cotton bollworm larvae were used to identify the R1, R2 and R3 generations of Bt transgenic cotton more than 2000 times, screened R1 generation insect resistance effect of more than 80% of the 11 plants, accounting for 6.21% ; R2 generation (lines) 15, accounting for 13.89% of the reference strains; R3 generation 375, accounting for 71.29% of the reference strains. Twelve materials entered the rejuvenation, 8 materials in the cage cage pests insects, hundreds of live insects and the number of the injured boll reduction on average, respectively, 88% to 100% and 90% to 100%; leaves, bud feeding cotton bolls The 3rd instar larvae had toxic effects of more than 80%. The feeding, excretion, body length and weight gain of the 3rd instar larvae of H. armigera decreased by 50% -107% compared with the control. On the fourth day Occurrence of dead insects, and the red bollworm also has strong resistance, can be used as anti-bollworm strains
甾族化合物的C-17二羟丙酮基侧链转变成C-17酮基的合成方法己有综述。本文是以氢化泼尼松(1)为原料,对其C-17侧 The synthesis of steroidal C-17 dihydroxyacetone-based
本文详细阐述了昆虫对苏云金杆菌(Bt)产生抗性和这个抗性的特点。通过分析Bt杀虫作用方式,进一步从生化、生理、行为等方面因素探讨了昆虫对Bt产生抗性的机制。 This article elabora
本实验应用药动学原理,采用比色法测定家免单用水杨酸钠和伍用水杨酸钠与碳酸氢钠后,其水杨酸钠血药浓度及体内代谢的变化。 In this experiment, the principle of pharmac