Preparation,characterization and combustion properties of Zr/ZrH_2 particles coated with α-FeOOH cry

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Zr/ZrH2 particles with irregular morphologies and broad size distribution were uniformly coated with acicular-FeOOH crystal grains via a facile route without using polymers or surfactants. The as-synthesized material was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), UV-vis diffusion reflection (UV-vis) and Raman spectrometry. Based on these characterizations, the synthesis mechanism was explained in terms of combined heterogeneous nucleation and solid state transformation reaction. The presence of-FeOOH coating greatly changed the combustion behavior of Zr/ZrH2 particles: the combustion lasting time decreased from 32 s for un-coated Zr/ZrH2 particles to 0.2 s for coated particles while the maximum temperature in the combustion process increased from 1510 °C to 2036 °C. Zr / ZrH 2 particles with irregular morphologies and broad size distribution were uniformly coated with acicular-FeOOH crystal grains via a facile route without using polymers or surfactants. The as-synthesized material was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), UV-vis diffusion reflection (UV-vis) and Raman spectrometry. Based on these characterizations, the synthesis mechanism was explained in terms of combined heterogeneous nucleation and solid state transformation reaction. of-FeOOH coating greatly changed the combustion behavior of Zr / ZrH2 particles: the combustion lasting time decreased from 32 s for un-coated Zr / ZrH2 particles to 0.2 s for coated particles while the maximum temperature in the combustion process increased from 1510 ° C to 2036 ° C.
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