Spontaneous hemoperitoneum from hepatic metastatic trophoblastic tumor

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingliang3334
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Spontaneous hemoperitoneum(SP) is defined as the presence of blood within the peritoneal cavity that is unrelated to trauma.Although there is a vast array of etiologies for SP,primary hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatic adenoma are considered to be the most common causes.Hepatic metastatic tumor associated with spontaneous rupture is rare.SP from hepatic metastatic trophoblastic tumor may initially present with a sudden onset of abdominal pain.Abdominal computed tomography(CT) plays an important role in establishing the diagnosis of SP,indicating its origin and etiology,and determining subsequent management.Herein,we report an uncommon case of hemoperitoneum from spontaneous rupture of a hepatic metastatic trophoblastic tumor in a young female patient.Interestingly,the contrast-enhanced CT findings demonstrated hypervascular hepatic masses with persistent enhancement at all phases,which were completely different from the common appearances of hepatic metastases.For SP resulting from hepatic metastatic tumors,surgical intervention is still the predominant therapeutic method,but the prognosis is very poor. Spontaneous hemoperitoneum (SP) is defined as the presence of blood within the peritoneal cavity that is unrelated to trauma. Although there is a vast array of etiologies for SP, primary hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatic adenoma are considered to be the most common causes. Hepatic metastatic tumor associated with spontaneous rupture is rare. SP from hepatic metastatic trophoblastic tumor may initially present with sudden depression of abdominal pain. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) plays an important role in establishing the diagnosis of SP, indicating its origin and etiology, and determining subsequent management. Herein, we report an uncommon case of hemoperitoneum from spontaneous rupture of a hepatic metastatic trophoblastic tumor in a young female patient. Interestingly, the contrast-enhanced CT findings demonstrated hypervascular hepatic masses with persistent enhancement at all phases, which were completely different from the common appearances of hepatic metastases. For SP resulting from h epatic metastatic tumors, surgical intervention is still the predominant therapeutic method, but the prognosis is very poor.
[关键词]浓缩生长因子;雄激素性脱发;富血小板血浆  雄激素性脱发(Androgenic alopecia,AGA)是临床上最常见的一种多基因相关的进行性脱发类疾病。组织病理特征为进行性毛囊微型化、毛发周期及毛囊微循环改变。据调查统计,50%的男性会出现AGA,随着年龄进一步增大,患病率可增加至70%。女性在60岁时,其发病率也到达50%[1]。中国男性患病率约为21.3%,女性患病率约为6.0%