
来源 :河北林学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanyu_518
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为了适应林业改革的需要,我院与林业部中南、西北林业调查规划设计院联合为林业部林业调查设计培训基金会举办林业调查设计二年制成人大专班,培养林业调查人员。 成人大专班的培养目标是:通过二年的德育、智育、体育,使学生具社会主义觉悟、掌握一定的林学基础理论和专业技能,结业达到大专水平,能独立从事林业调查设计工作,成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律、有健康体魄的林业建设人才。 In order to meet the needs of forestry reform, our institute and the South-Central and Northwest Forestry Investigation, Planning and Design Institute of the Ministry of Forestry jointly held a two-year adult college class for forestry investigation and design for the forestry investigation, design and training foundation of the Ministry of Forestry to train forestry investigators. Adult college classes are aimed at: through two years of moral education, intellectual education, physical education, so that students with a socialist consciousness, master a certain basic theory and professional skills of forestry, graduation to the level of college, can independently engage in forestry investigation and design work, become Ideal, moral, cultural, disciplined, healthy body of the forestry construction personnel.
In this paper, the row winter wheat was selected as the example to study the com-ponent temperature inversion method of land surface target in detail. The resul
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叶足缘蝽(Leptoglossus rcolculusSay)、盾背缘蝽(Tetyra bipunetata(He-rrich—Schaffer))和松斑螟(Dioryctr-ia coneworms)同时发生,主要危害繁殖改良种子的火矩松(Pinus
P.G.Wodehouse once said,‘It is never difficult to distinguishbetween a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.’Ifyou’d like to try the experiment y
老爸爱花,由来已久。  小时候,我和爸爸妈妈加上爷爷奶奶五口人挤在两室一厅的小房子里。那年春节,一位朋友从百余里外带了几盆花儿给老爸。沉实的几个盆搬上楼,老爸虽累得气喘吁吁但仍不忘啧啧称赞:“鲜花朵朵开啊!”狭小的空间因鲜花的到来越发拥挤,我们挪步都得小心翼翼。  北边的大房子刚装修那年,老爸也买了好些花儿。由于那边离我学校远,我们没常住那儿。老爸就隔三岔五地在下了班的时候过去洒点水,挪挪位置,确
<正> 在普通话声母中,zh ch sh r四个辅音音素是“舌尖后音”,发音时舌尖要上翘与硬腭部位接触或接近。由于是翘舌发音,所以这一组音又叫作“翘舌音”。翘舌音在普通话辅音发