Development Trends and Prospect of China Natural Gas Industry

来源 :中国油气:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dexiaolu
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中国天然气工业在 2010 维持了一个精力旺盛的 deveJopment 趋势。或国内的天然气生产或天然气进口见证重要增加;天然气管道和另外的基础结构被升级了;天然气消费不停地升起,并且消费混合逐渐地被优化了;天然气价格改革采取了大措施。
<正>China National Offshore Oil Company Limited (CNOOC Limited) announced in early February that its targeted net production volume in 2010 is between 275
Block G is a deeper thick-massive heavy oil reservoir.It is developed in 1986 by cyclic steam stimulation.After 22 years development,it&#39;s reservoir pressure
<正>In recent years,Chinese oil companies have been pacing the globe to secure energy assets to fuel the fast-growing Asian powerhouse&#39;s economy.China&#39;s
<正>Beijing introduced new fuel standards on May 31 this year that municipal officials say are nearly on a par with the European Union's Euro
China&#39;s LNG imports were 6.769 million tons from January to September in 2010, 70.95% higher than the same period of 2009.42% was from Australia and 16% fro
<正>Swelling domestic demand for natural gas could lift China’s foreign-dependency ratio for the less-polluting fuel to as high as 50 percent by 2020, industry
<正>PetroChina, China’s largest oil and gas producer, said in a statement released in early April that the company’s net profit for 2009 totaled 103.39 billio
<正>China’s oil imports will continue to see solid growth in 2010, with more than half of the country’s total oil consumption coming from abroad. It is inevit