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一切在反思中更新。粮食职工的观念正经历着更新的过程。经营观念——由“单一经营”变为“一主多项”。过去,按照国家计划统购统销。现在,主业不丢,多种经营不忘,除经营平价、比例价粮油,还经营议价粮油,经营粮油食品,代客加工服务,开辟粮油市场。既有国家经营,也有集体经营,还有联合经营。宽阔的经营渠道,灵活的经营方式,使经济效益不断提高。信息观念——由“上行下效”变为“信息指导”。过去,市场行情由主管部门提供,基层唯命是从,致使经营僵化呆板。现在,靠信息为领导机关决策当参谋,靠信息指导粮油生产、经营、消费,靠信息增加企 Everything is updated in reflection. The concept of food workers is undergoing an update process. Business concept - from “single operation” to “one major item”. In the past, according to the national plan, the purchase and sales were completed. Now, the main business is not lost, diversified operations are not forgotten, in addition to operating the parity, the proportion of grain and oil prices, but also operating bargaining grain and oil, operating grain and oil foods, Valet processing services, open up the grain and oil market. There are both state and collective management as well as joint operations. Broad business channels and flexible management methods have enabled the economic benefits to increase continuously. Information concept - from “upstream efficiency” to “information guidance.” In the past, market conditions were provided by the competent authorities, and the grass-roots units were the only ones, resulting in rigid and rigid operations. Now relying on information as a chief of staff for decision-making, relying on information to guide the production, management, and consumption of grain and oil, rely on information to increase enterprises.
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