95 cases of angle closure glaucoma, 159 eyes, 25 males and 70 females, male: female = 1: 2.8. Age 43 years old to 77 years old. The most 51 to 70 years old, a total of 69 cases, accounting for 72.63%. The first use of drugs to restore normal intraocular pressure, conjunctival congestion and then take anti-glaucoma surgery. Acute glaucoma immediately take emergency measures. A total of 129 eyes were operated in 129 eyes. Among them, 109 eyes were scleral burning and filtering, 6 eyes were iris incarceration, 5 eyes were under sclera bite resection, 8 eyes were iridectomy and 1 eye was ciliary body perfused with heat and burning. The visual acuity of 73 eyes improved to 56.59% compared with that before operation, 43 of them had original vision, accounting for 33.33%. The visual acuity decreased slightly by 13 eyes or 10.08%. Postoperative complications make vision temporarily affected