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铜工业在国内的扩张离不开我国综合国力的提升以及国内市场对铜的需求的增长,现阶段我国工业化所处的阶段决定了金属消费量仍将持续走高。铜价的波动已成为影响国内铜行业盈利能力的重要因素,不断提高的原材料成本削弱了企业的盈利能力,限制了原材料的选择。在分析我国铜消费现状和铜产业发展面临的问题的基础上,以江西铜业集团为例,采用对比模拟的方式分析了它与其他行业上市公司的经营状况,并对该公司净利润增长率与铜价增长率进行相关性模拟,提出了统一建立企业风险保障基金的必要性,并从政策依据、资金来源、基金使用方向等方面系统地阐述了该政策的具体实施细则。 The expansion of copper industry in China can not be separated from the improvement of China’s overall national strength and the growth of demand for copper in the domestic market. The stage of industrialization in China at this stage determines that the consumption of metal will continue to rise. Copper price fluctuations have become an important factor affecting the profitability of the domestic copper industry. The ever-increasing cost of raw materials has weakened the profitability of enterprises and limited the choice of raw materials. Based on the analysis of the status quo of copper consumption in our country and the problems faced by the development of copper industry, taking Jiangxi Copper Group as an example, this paper analyzes the operating status of listed companies in China and other industries by means of comparative simulation and analyzes the growth rate of net profit of the company And copper price growth rate of the correlation simulation, put forward the need for the establishment of a unified enterprise risk protection fund, and from the policy basis, sources of funds, the use of funds and other aspects systematically elaborated the specific implementation details of the policy.
形如y=k/x(k≠0)的函数叫做反比例函数,它的图像是由两条曲线组成的双曲线.双曲线上的点关于原点成中心对称,关于直线y=±x轴对称. A function of the form y=k/x(k≠0) is
一个因赌博惹的大祸。在银行工作的弟弟与无业的哥哥联手,骗取了银行2560万元贷款,其中2100万元已被兄弟俩豪赌一空 A disaster caused by gambling. The younger brother w
在社会主义建設事业中,单位和单位或者个人和个人之間,时常需要訂立合同,来相互保証做好工作。合同是一种契約。它对訂立合同的各方都有約束力,要求各 In the course of bu