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齿轮火车小心翼翼地把游客们拉到海拔3454公尺高的少女峰上。此地是欧洲最高的火车站,对于一个初到瑞士的游客来说,攀登阿尔卑斯山,饱览美景绝对是件赏心悦目的事情。在一次达沃斯论坛的专题会上,东道国瑞士联邦主席奥吉也提到了“登山”。但他的那番话却有着醉翁之意:“现在,许多瑞士人对经济全球化抱有一种抵触情绪,这是可以理解的,因为他们在全球化的过程中自身利益受到了损害,贫富差距越来越大。”奥吉指出,正如一个好的登山导游善于引导疲惫的游客向着山顶冲击,政府和企业也应该在运作和经营中发挥相应的作用,“不能指望有游览火车把你安全地送上山去。”在这片盛产巧克力和杜鹃挂钟的国度里,坚持游离于国际社会之外的民族,在全球化浪潮的席卷下,突然发现难以再独善其身。事实上,有人曾经断言道:“他们在中立的道路上已经走得太远了。”在有限的空间里,瑞士人对于自由的理解是务实和克己的。“天堂需要良好的管理,更需要每个人的自律。他人自由的开始即是你个人自由的终点。”这是瑞士人的生存哲学。本刊零距离接触瑞士三大跨国公司中国巨头,体验从不想参与国际社会是非的瑞士人如何处理自身的经营是非,融合在全球经济一体化的秩序当中。 Cog train carefully pulled tourists to the Jungfrau peak at 3,454 meters above sea level. It is the tallest railway station in Europe and it is definitely a delight to climb the Alps and see the beauty of a first-time tourist in Switzerland. At a special session of the Davos Forum, Ogi, host of the Swiss Confederation, also referred to “mountaineering.” However, what he said was an ultimatum: “Now many Swiss people have a resistance to economic globalization. This is understandable because their own interests have been jeopardized in the process of globalization, As the gap between the rich and the poor widens. ”Ogi pointed out that just as a good hiking guide is good at guiding tired tourists to the summit, the government and enterprises should also play a corresponding role in their operations and operations.“ We can not expect to have a tourist train Send you safely to the mountains. ”In this country full of chocolates and cuckoo clocks, insisting on a nation free of the international community suddenly find it hard to reinvent itself under the tide of globalization. In fact, someone once asserted: “They have come too far in the neutral path.” “In a limited space, the Swiss people’s understanding of freedom is pragmatic and self-denying. ”Paradise needs good management and more needs everyone’s self-discipline, and the beginning of others’ freedom is the end of your freedom." This is the Swiss philosophy of existence. Our journal comes into contact with the Chinese giants of the three major multinational corporations in Switzerland to experience how the Swiss, who do not want to participate in the international community, should handle its own operations and integrate itself in the order of global economic integration.