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培养全面发展,人格健全的学生已经成为中学教育的主要教育目标。体育课是学生的增强体魄、放松身心的重要课程,在学生的成长与发展过程中起着不可或缺的作用。初中学生面对高考学业繁重,体育课程能够调节中学生快速的生活节奏,缓解学生的学习压力,是为社会培养后备人才的重要课程。但由于目前对体育课的重视程度不够,中学体育课程还存在课堂教学内容枯燥、体育课课时不足、体育教师思想落后等一系列问题亟待解决,这些问题的存在严重阻碍着初中体育课堂教学质量的改进。笔者在素质教育理念的指导下,对初级中学的学生体育素质以及体育教学方式展开了调查,在本文中详细地指出了现阶段初中学生体育素质培养过程中出现的问题,并对解决现存问题提出了个人见解。 Cultivating students with all-round development and sound personalities has become the major educational goal of secondary education. Physical education is an important curriculum for students to enhance their physique and relax their mind and body. They play an indispensable role in the growth and development of students. Junior high school students in the face of heavy academic entrance examination, physical education curriculum to regulate the rapid pace of life of high school students to ease the pressure of students learning is an important lesson for the community to cultivate reserve personnel. However, due to the lack of emphasis on physical education at present, there are still some problems in middle school physical education such as dull classroom teaching, lack of class hours in physical education, backwardness of physical education teachers, etc. These problems seriously hinder the quality of junior middle school PE teaching Improve. Under the guidance of the concept of quality education, the author conducts an investigation into the students ’PE and physical education in junior middle schools. In this paper, the problems that arise in the process of developing junior high school students’ physical education are pointed out in detail and the existing problems are solved Personal opinion
Gerald Veasley(杰拉德·卫斯理)是在现代爵士领域较有名气的一名黑人贝司手,自1992年正式加盟 Heads Up 以来至今已经发行了7张专辑,最新一张是《AtThe Jazz Base!》。这张
January 8,2011 was a good day when the Symposium on Sustainable Use of Chinese Herbal Medicines,Celebration of 58 Years’ Exploring in the Area of Chinese Herba
本研究用E.Coli K_(12)D_(31)诱导中国柞蚕(Antherae Pernyi) 3—5天,从血淋巴中分离和纯化出抗菌肽(含36个氨基酸残基),观察抗菌肽对阴道毛滴虫的抑制和杀灭作用。实验分三