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【正】 黑龙江省博物馆藏有一面金代“官”字款水月铜镜。该镜直径11.5厘米,厚0.5厘米,边宽1厘米。镜背面的图案,为金代铜镜纹饰中较为少见的写实性题材:一轮弯月挂在夜空,皎洁的月光洒向波涛汹涌的江河,鱼和游龙在水中嬉戏,岸边瑞兽正在奔驰。饶有兴趣的是,一个张开的蚌壳中含有一颗珍珠,在月光下反射出一道明亮的光束。整个画面,生动形象,自然活泼,犹如一幅抒情的风景画。此镜边缘有“官”字刻款,显然是经过金朝官方验讫的。
The meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions near threshold has the potential to gain information onhadron properties and also plays an important role in
Based on both the constituent quark picture and the instanton model for QCD vacuum, we calculate the unpolarized and polarized gluon distributions in the consti
Asymmetric line shape of states is a distinguished characteristic which is often encountered when thresholds and states interacts. Fifty years ago, Fano[1] that