注重反馈 及时调整——初中物理课堂教学体会

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在初中物理教学过程中,为了提升教学效果,教师应当注重在教学过程中学生的反馈,根据反馈及时对教学方法进行调整。如果教师只顾按照设计好的教学方法进行教学,容易导致对学生的学习状况的了解不准确,从而无法保证学生的物理学习效果。因此,我们需要加强在初中物理教学过程中的反馈获取,根据这些反馈对教学计划进行不断的完善,促进初中学生物理学习水平的提升。一、有效获取学生反馈初中物理教学在教学过程中对学生 In the process of junior high school physics teaching, in order to improve the teaching effect, teachers should pay attention to the feedback of students in the process of teaching and adjust the teaching methods according to the feedback timely. If teachers only follow the teaching method designed to teach easily lead to inaccurate understanding of the learning status of students, which can not guarantee the effectiveness of students’ physical learning. Therefore, we need to strengthen the feedback acquisition in the process of junior high school physics teaching. Based on these feedbacks, we can improve the teaching plan constantly and promote the junior high school students’ physical learning level. First, effective access to student feedback junior high school physics teaching in the process of teaching students
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