Synthesis of ethylidene diacetate from dimethyl ether, CO and H_2

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chongyou2026
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Ethylidene diacetate was prepared by reacting dimethyl ether,acetic acid and syngas in the presence of a catalytic system comprising RhI3,PPh3 and CH3I.The effects of reaction temperature,pressure,time and the CO/H2 molar ratio on the conversion of dimethyl ether and the product selectivity were investigated under the same catalyst formulation.Results showed that a maximum conversion of dimethyl ether was obtained when a mixture consisting of 0.3 mol dimethyl ether and 120 ml acetic acid was reacted at 180 ℃ and 3.0 MPa for 10 h at a stirring speed of 600 rpm under a syngas flow with a CO/H2 molar ratio of 2.5,which was catalyzed by a catalyst mixture comprising 0.3 g RhI3,6 g PPh3 and 1.3 g CH3I.The selectivity of ethylidene diacetate increased with temperature,decreased with the CO/H2 molar ratio and exhibited a maximum with pressure. Ethylidene diacetate was prepared by reacting dimethyl ether, acetic acid and syngas in the presence of a catalytic system comprising RhI3, PPh3 and CH3I. The effects of reaction temperature, pressure, time and the CO / H2 molar ratio on the conversion of dimethyl ether and the product selectivity were investigated under the same catalyst formulation. Results showed that a maximum conversion of dimethyl ether was obtained when a mixture consisting of 0.3 mol dimethyl ether and 120 ml acetic acid was stirred at 180 ° C and 3.0 MPa for 10 h at a stirring speed of 600 rpm under a syngas flow with a CO / H2 molar ratio of 2.5, which was catalyzed by a catalyst mixture comprising 0.3 g RhI3, 6 g PPh3 and 1.3 g CH3I. The selectivity of ethylidene diacetate increased with temperature, decreased with the CO / H2 molar ratio and exhibited a maximum with pressure.
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四川盆地东部达州—开江古隆起上的风险探井——五探1井设计Φ333.38 mm钻头钻经的地层层位多、压力系统复杂,钻井过程中要钻遇气层、易漏层、易坍塌层,如何确保合理的钻井液
油画《The Doctor》是英国19世纪著名的社会现实主义画家塞缪尔·卢克·菲尔德斯爵士(Sir.Samuel Luke Fildes)的代表作之一。画中的主人公是一位家庭医生,在灯光中凝神关注
五探1井是部署在四川盆地东部达州—开江古隆起上的—口风险探井,主探寒武系、震旦系,设计井深7 570m.该井志留系以下地层的地质不确定性强、风险度高,寒武系可能钻遇大段膏
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患儿母35岁,孕38+4周,阵发性腹痛1 h于2010年3月21日入院.孕期无异常,否认家族遗传病史及传染病史,G5P2,育有1女,9岁,健康,孕38+4周.患儿父母体健,非近亲婚配.患儿,女,同日于本院头位自娩出生.出生后1min、5 min Apgar评分均为10分;无出生窒息及宫内窘迫,无胎膜早破,羊水、脐带、胎盘均无异常.查体:T 36.5℃,P 124次/min,R 36次/min,体重