An absent Ambiente 2021 will be compensated by online platformm

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  On 18 January, Messe Frankfurt GmbH announced that due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, Ambiente 2021, originally scheduled to be held physically in Frankfurt am Main from 17 to 20 April 2021, has been canceled this year. Instead, the online platform Consumer Goods Digital Day will offer companies a trade platform to form business and compensate for the absence of the physical Ambiente this year.
  A fruitful previous edition
  The last Ambiente was held from February 7 to 11, 2020. In total, around 108,000 buyers came to Ambiente from nearly 160 countries, seeking inspiration and looking to procure products for their new collections. 62 per cent came from countries outside Germany. One major reason for the reduction in visitors’ numbers was the impact of the coronavirus. Many German and international retail companies, and indeed major ones, had banned their workforce from travelling. Also, from Sunday onwards air and rail traffic were at times completely paralyzed throughout Germany and Europe.
  “If a trade fair is impacted by two such events, it really does face enormous challenges,” says Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt. “But our exhibitors assessed the situation correctly. And the trade visitors came to Frankfurt with a positive mindset and keen to place orders,” the experienced trade fair specialist adds. Satisfaction ratings among visitors continued to be at a robust level of 95 per cent. Due to the unusual situation, noticeable shifts could be observed among the top ten visitor nations. After Germany, they were Italy, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Turkey, the United States, Russia, Japan and China. This year growth could be observed in the numbers of visitors from Estonia, Japan, Jordan, Colombia, Romania and Turkey.
  “If a trade fair is impacted by two such events, it really does face enormous challenges,” says Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt. “But our exhibitors assessed the situation correctly. And the trade visitors came to Frankfurt with a positive mindset and keen to place orders,” the experienced trade fair specialist adds. Satisfaction ratings among visitors continued to be at a robust level of 95 per cent. Due to the unusual situation, noticeable shifts could be observed among the top ten visitor nations. After Germany, they were Italy, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Turkey, the United States, Russia, Japan and China. This year growth could be observed in the numbers of visitors from Estonia, Japan, Jordan, Colombia, Romania and Turkey.   Thomas Grothkopp, Managing Director of the German Trade Association for Residential Accommodation and Offices (HWB), adds: “Ambiente has demonstrated yet again that there’s a need for the real world of products, brands and people as an environment for concluding mutually beneficial deals. Retailers made extensive use of the opportunities that are provided by Messe Frankfurt at Ambiente.”

  Physical Ambiente to be canceled for the first time
  Back in last year, Messe Frankfurt GmbH decided to held the offline Ambiente, Christmasworld and Paperworld together under the name of International Consumer Goods Show – Special Edition, to offer all participants the opportunity for business meetings, ordering and networking in Frankfurt. However, in middle January 2021, the organizer sees that there is still no end to the pandemic in sight. Events are effectively banned in Germany, and ongoing international travel restrictions mean that it is impossible to make any trade fair plans for April or May 2021.
  Due to the fact that physical events are not possible, Messe Frankfurt has created numerous digital offerings for its customers. Consumer Goods Digital Day on April 20th, 2021, for example, offer customers the opportunity to get together at a digital location where they can engage in dialogue and obtain information. The content of the Digital Day will be focused on ways in which retailers can help their businesses, particularly since it has not been possible to hold any international flagship fairs in Frankfurt featuring the relevant presentation possibilities and supporting programmes since Ambiente 2020. This content will be supplemented by the opportunities presented by Nextrade, the first order and data management portal for the home and living sector. Nextrade also offers attractive possibilities for manufacturers of finished home and household textiles to present their products, as well as a frequently used channel through which they can promote business with retailers and traders.
  “The ongoing shutdown of retailers in our visitor countries has made relevant up-to-date information and solutions essential, and we are satisfying this demand with our digital offerings during this volatile time. As you know, we are also continuing to do everything in our power to make safe and successful trade fairs possible, because nothing can take the place of face-to-face encounters.” said Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt.
  Ambiente will be opening its doors from 11 to 15 February 2022 in its customary slot.
新冠疫情爆发以来,全世界很多国家都陆续“封国”“封城”,各国会展业也因此停摆,企业无法出国参展,国际、国内会展业务均被迫按下暂停键。随着中国的疫情逐渐得到控制,从去年五月份开始,各个地方的展会陆续恢复举办,各大展览公司也迅速做出调整,以求生存与发展。  远大国际展览有限公司副总经理张雅竹认为,目前来看,出展企业的业务调整的方式基本可以总结为如下两种:一种是从事国内展会的组织工作,另一种就是将外贸展
近日,杜塞爾多夫展览和波哥大展览公司联手,收购哥伦比亚塑胶展(COLOMBIAPLAST)的部分股份,并共同参与展会的筹办工作。哥伦比亚塑胶展是拉丁美洲塑料、橡胶以及相关包装领域最为知名的行业展会。下届展会将于6月22-25日在哥伦比亚首都波哥大举办。  杜塞尔多夫展览董事总经理Erhard Wienkamp表示:“我们非常高兴将展会纳入我们的‘全球商务之门’展会系列,这是我们在拉美地区的第一个塑
在科隆展覽公司宣布停办世界影像博览会(Photokina)之后,汉堡展览公司日前宣布,将于今年9月23-26日举办首届Photopia摄影器材展。展会包括Photopia Summit峰会、Photopia Festival庆典和Photopia 365在线平台三大部分,打造摄影摄像行业设备展示和行业交流的专业平台。  汉堡展览公司邀请到欧洲在线营销超级明星大会组委会作为展会协办方,而展会的主要内
在2019年成功舉办云集290家展商和10400名买家的澳大利亚能源全产业链(墨尔本)展览会之后,励展博览集团决定为新南威尔士州的可再生能源行业搭建一个高品质的交流平台——Energy Next展览会。首届展会将于今年7月13-14日在悉尼国际会议中心举办。届时,相关行业人士将可以通过展会平台结交本地以及国际供应商、探寻最新技术并了解充满活力的可再生能源行业的最新动态。  Energy Next
近日,淡馬锡控股和新加坡报业控股有限公司达成协议,整合双方的会议、展览、奖励旅游等业务,合并双方旗下的原新展控股和Sphere Exhibits公司,成立SingEx-Sphere控股有限公司,其中,淡马锡控股的股份为60%。  尽管受到新冠疫情的短期影响,但合资双方仍看好会奖行业的巨大发展空间。合资公司致力于成为会奖领域内的领军企业,业务涵盖线上线下活动运营、场馆管理和咨询服务等。SingEx-
国际展览业协会(UFI)在全球80多个国家和地区有近800家会员单位,其核心目标是代表、宣传并扩大会员以及整个展览行业的利益。当今,展览业面临前所未有的危机,如何保持业内人士的沟通交流、促进全行业的可持续发展?展览行业的魅力是什么?近日,UFI主席安布·瓦拉森接受了《出展世界》采访,就一系列行业议题分享了独到观点。  记者:首先请您介绍一下,作为UFI主席,您的工作重心是什么?  安布·瓦拉森:我
作为知名会展集团亚洲子公司,杜塞尔多夫展览(亚洲)有限公司立足新加坡,辐射东南亚市场。公司认为,该区域内多个行业都具有巨大的商业空间,相信展会将会很快强势回归。  杜塞尔多夫展览(亚洲)有限公司是德国杜塞尔多夫展览集团的子公司,于1995年在新加坡成立。杜塞尔多夫展览(亚洲)有限公司董事总经理Gernot Ringling介绍,如今,亚洲子公司在新加坡、泰国、印尼、菲律宾和越南等地共举办17场展览
新加坡滨海湾金沙作为当地知名场馆代表,在疫情下灵敏反应,主动提升硬件设施和团队技能,得到了市场的积极反馈。  新加坡会奖场地之优秀,从滨海湾金沙的先进设施显而易见。如滨海湾金沙销售部副总裁李迈可所述,滨海湾金沙是新加坡地标性旅游胜地,为宾客提供一流的商务、休闲与娱乐体验之余,保持国际卫生与安全标准。滨海湾金沙拥有2500间客房奢华酒店;标志性的楼顶金沙空中花园;区域内极为灵活和先进的会奖场地及会展
在疫情带来的挑战时期,新加坡会议及展览组织方和供应商协会在政府相关机构的指导下,带领全行业重新审视行业发展,并强化各项技能,为疫后会展活动的安全举办做好准备。  谈及新加坡会展行业发展的优势以及挑战,新加坡会议及展览组织方和供应商协会主席、SingEx-Sphere控股有限公司场馆部门执行董事亚兰多表示,新加坡是一个现代化的大都会,也是全球机构进入快速发展的亚洲地区的商业门户。在疫情爆发之前,新加