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我們在物理敎學中進行思想政治敎育,從一九五一年開始到現在,已經摸索一年半了。這段過程不單是敎材、敎法的研究過程,同時也是新舊不同的敎育觀點的鬥爭過程。現在,把我們在物理課中,培養辨證唯物主義世界觀,進行愛國主義與國際主義思想敎育的幾點體會,介紹出來,希望同志們給予指正。一、在物理敎學中不僅是單純傳授物理知識,還必須自覺地貫徹思想政治敎育。在物理課中進行思想政治敎育所遇到的主要的抗拒,就是個別教師的所謂「純物理教學」的觀點。在他看來物理就是物理,應該「一塵不染」地與思想政治分開。他在敎學總結中解釋道:「因為沒有經驗、時間不足,所以未能進行思想政治敎育」。然而在事實上,並不是什麼「沒有經驗」,也不是「時間不足」,而是對思想敎育的重大意義缺乏正確的認識,把它看成教學以外的附加的累贅;因 We conducted ideological and political education in physical dropout. From the beginning of 1951 to the present, we have been groping for a year and a half. This process is not only the research process of the coffin and the coffin method, but also the struggle process between the old and new ideas of education. Now, in the course of physics, we have cultivated the dialectical materialist worldview and conducted several experiences of patriotism and internationalism ideological education. We introduced them and hoped that comrades would give corrections. First, in physical school dropouts, it is not only a matter of imparting physical knowledge, but it must also consciously implement ideological and political education. The main resistance to ideological and political education in physics classes is the so-called “pure physics teaching” viewpoint of individual teachers. In his view, physics is physics, and it should be “spotlessly” separate from ideology and politics. He explained in the dropout summary: “Because of lack of experience and lack of time, we have not been able to carry out ideological and political education.” However, in reality, it is not “unexperienced” nor “inadequate time,” but it lacks a correct understanding of the significance of ideological education and regards it as an additional burden on teaching;
受打抱不平,崇拜包青天 我爱打抱不平的性格,是我从事律师工作的最初的渊源。 学生时代,我有过许多绚丽多彩的梦;想当演员,还想当作家。但我最大的特点是爱打抱不平,最崇拜的人物是
一认识论(续) 上次讲的认识论是专从自然方面讲的。现在所讲的是为于人类社会方面的。在不同的社会中的人类,就有不同的感性和理性。由于人类最强的感性就是对于自己财产占
根据司法部《律师事务所登记管理办法》、《律师执业证管理办法》现将我省通过2001年年检注册的201个律师事务所、1个分所,1198名执业律师予以公告。敬请社会各界监督指导。 甘肃省司法厅
正確地組織學生來完成家庭作業是決定教學效果的重要因素之一。 關於消除學生家庭作業負擔過重的問題,不能看作是一個新的問題。舉例來說,鳥申斯基分析記憶活動時,曾經列舉