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用优美环境感染人,用品牌文化激励人,用实战标准锤炼人。近年来,海军南海舰队后勤部某油料技术保障大队从美化营区环境入手,按照“五抓—突出两确保”的工作思路,着力打基础蓄底气,聚人心改作风、抓建设保稳定,倾心打造“天涯油龙”文化品牌,建设美丽军营。大队先后被评为全军绿化造林先进单位、全军绿色营区先进单位,并圆满完成多批护航油料保障任务,多次受到总部、海军和舰队表彰。 Infection with a beautiful environment, encourage people with the brand culture, using actual combat standards of people. In recent years, an oil material technical support unit of the logistics department of the Navy’s South China Sea Fleet has started its work on beautifying the camp area environment. In accordance with the work train of thought of “five grasps - highlighting two guarantees”, efforts were made to lay foundation for saving energy, Endeavor to build “End of the World Oil Dragon ” cultural brand, building a beautiful barracks. The brigade has been awarded the advanced unit of the afforestation and afforestation of the whole army and the advanced unit of the green camp area of ​​the whole army. The task force of oil diversion and escort for multiple batches has been satisfactorily completed and has repeatedly been commended by the headquarters, the navy and the fleet.
左侧格子中有9种不同的圣诞图案,每种图案代表1-9中的某一个数字。上方和左方的数字是每一直 There are 9 different Christmas patterns in the left grid, each represent
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10月24日 晴  “叮铃铃,叮铃铃……”下课的铃声响了,老师说了声“拜拜”就走出了教室。我随意拿起一本课外读物,快速浏览,想找一篇适合我课间阅读的文章,好让我在课间休息。  找一篇文章,让它和我一起在课间休息的行为不知道起于何时,但它已经成为我的一种习惯了。为了这个习惯,我得罪了许多朋友。她们约我踢毽子,我没去,她们约我跳皮筋,我也没去……得罪了她们我没往心里去,我一旦遇上困难,照样叫她们,她们