Performance of biotrickling filters packed with structured or cubic polyurethane sponges for VOC rem

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangying_han
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Two identical bench-scale biotrickling filters (BTFs),BTF 1 and BTF 2,were evaluated for toluene removal at various gas empty bed contact times (EBCTs) and organic loadings.BTF 1 and BTF 2 were packed with structured and cubic synthetic polyurethane sponges,respectively.At a constant toluene loading of 16 g/(,toluene removal efficiencies decreased from 98.8% to 64.3% for BTF 1 and from 98.4% to 74.1% for BTF 2 as gas EBCT decreased from 30 to 5 see.When the toluene loading increased from 35 to 140 g/(m3·hr) at a gas EBCT of 30 see,the removal efficiencies decreased from 99.1% to 77.4% for BTF 1 and from 99.0% to 81.5% for BTF 2.The pressure drop for both BTFs increased with increased air flow rate,and did not significantly vary while the toluene loading was increased under similar operation conditions.BTF 1 and BTF 2 could start up successfully within 19 and 27 days,respectively,when packed with fresh sponge media,and the performances could be restored in 3-7 days after biomass was removed and wasted from the media.BTF 2 displayed higher removal efficiency even under shorter EBCT or higher loading rate than BTF1 when other operation conditions were similar,while it showed lower pressure drop than BTF 1 during the whole period of operation.These results demonstrated that both BTFs could treat waste gas containing toluene effectively.
夜深,人静,唯有雨,不停歇地,轻轻地叩击着窗户。奋笔疾书的我,终于被它吸引,慢慢抬起头,循着这声音向窗外望去。  窗外,只有一望无际的黑暗和点点光影,雨仍在不住地敲击着,在这静谧的冬夜,我也只听得见这“啪嗒啪嗒”声。  “好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。”我蓦地想起这几句诗,如此聒噪的雨,真的和春雨有别呢。难道是春未至,它先临,等不及的雨变得焦躁不安了吗?我仿佛听见它在一遍又一遍地
In the autumn of 2008,the vertical profiles of ozone and meteorological parameters in the low troposphere (0-1000 m) were observed at two sites around Beijing,s