
来源 :计算机农业应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reno1126
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一、前言随着计算机科学的突飞猛进,计算机技术在农业上也得到越来越广泛的应用。在传统的农业生产活动中,农户往往根据经验对作物进行施肥管理。由于传统经验的局限性,常常因施肥不足或过量不能获得高产,甚至造成减产或肥料的浪费,经济效益不高。如何利用计算机技术,根据作物、土壤进行科学的定量的施肥管理,并从经济学的角度指导农户合理施肥,使得提高产量、降低肥料成本和增加经济效益。这在生产上具有重要的实践意义。近年来,北京、福建等地的科研工作者已先后开展了作物计算机施肥的研究,并对当地的生产实践提供服务。本研究以江苏省淮北地区的耕作制度、土壤供肥特性为基础,将计算机技术,农业科研方法与生产实践相结合,试图为大面积稻麦 I. Introduction With the rapid development of computer science, computer technology has also been applied more and more widely in agriculture. In traditional agricultural production activities, farmers often manage their crops based on experience. Due to the limitations of traditional experience, it is often not possible to obtain high yields due to insufficient or excessive fertilization, resulting in even lower yields or waste of fertilizers, resulting in lower economic benefits. How to make use of computer technology to carry out scientific and quantitative fertilization management according to crop and soil, and to guide farmers to rational fertilization from an economic point of view, so as to increase yield, reduce fertilizer cost and increase economic benefits. This is of great practical importance in production. In recent years, researchers in Beijing, Fujian and other places have carried out researches on crop computer fertilization and provided services to local production practices. In this study, based on the farming system and the soil fertility characteristics in Huaibei area of ​​Jiangsu Province, this study combined the computer technology, agricultural research methods and production practices,
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