An application of matching pursuit time-frequency decomposition method using multi-wavelet dictionar

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wiqjhag
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In the time-frequency analysis of seismic signals,the matching pursuit algorithm is an effective tool for non-stationary signals,and has high time-frequency resolution and a transient structure with local self-adaption.We expand the time-frequency dictionary library with Ricker,Morlet,and mixed phase seismic wavelets,to make the method more suitable for seismic signal time-frequency decomposition.In this paper,we demonstrated the algorithm theory using synthetic seismic data,and tested the method using synthetic data with 25% noise.We compared the matching pursuit results of the time-frequency dictionaries.The results indicated that the dictionary which matched the signal characteristics better would obtain better results,and can reflect the information of seismic data effectively.
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