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以私人或公司为一方面以国家或政府为另一方之间的商事合同是现代贸易的一个主要特点。在发生争端时,能否象对另一私人合同方一样,对国家合同方提起诉讼,这对私人一方来说,是非常重要的。因此,本文的目的在于研究英国的法律把从事商业活动的外国究系当作一股商人对待,还是这一国家仍得根据其国家主权的性质挫败因违约而对它提起的诉讼。背景1978年《国家豁免法》的目的是要把“限制”豁免权原则并入英国法律之中。根据这个原则,一个外国只能就其主权或政府行为(acta jure imperii)而不能就其商业行为(acta jure gestionis)享有豁免权。限制豁免原则是对国营贸易活动日益增长的一种反应。一般感到当一个国家从事普通商业活动时,它应当尽可能被置于和其他商人相同的法律地位。但是在以前若干年来,正当许多西方国家采取这一途径(例如在1952年已成为美国法律的一部份)的时候,联合王国还继续奉行着绝对豁免原则,据此,别的国家的一切行为享受国家豁免权。由于很难在英国通过诉讼来解决争端,有很大价值的和外国进行的 Commercial contracts between private individuals or companies on the one hand and nations or governments on the other hand, on the other hand, are a major feature of modern trade. In the event of a dispute, it is very important for the private party to prosecute a national contractor, just as for another private contractor. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study whether English law treats foreign studies engaged in commercial activities as a merchant, or whether the country still has to defeat the lawsuit brought against it for breach of contract based on the nature of its national sovereignty. Background The purpose of the State Immunity Act, 1978, is to incorporate the principle of “limited” immunity into British law. According to this principle, a foreign country can not enjoy immunity only in respect of its commercial act (acta jure gestionis) in relation to its sovereignty or government act (acta jure imperii). The principle of exemption is a response to the growing activity of state trading. It is generally felt that when a country is engaged in ordinary business activities, it should, as far as possible, be placed in the same legal position as other merchants. But in the past few years, just as many Western countries have taken this avenue (for example, as part of U.S. law in 1952), the United Kingdom also continues to adhere to the principle of absolute immunity whereby all acts of other countries Enjoy state immunity. Because of the difficulty of settling the dispute in the United Kingdom through litigation, it is of great value to foreign countries
1.1981至1988年,阿里河林业局贮木场连续三年被林业部授予“最佳贮木场”。 2.1983年,阿里河林业局物资供应科被林业部授予物资战线先进单位。 3.1984年,阿里河林业局财务科
在中国权力最大的足球教练恐怕就数戚务生了。各级国家队的统率权均由他一手掌握,有人戏曰:“戚务生现在升官了,由执行教练变成了执行主席了。” I am afraid that the mos
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