
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnsafety
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我省曾是重要的红麻生产基地。因1950~1953年全国红麻炭疽病大流行,迫使我省红麻停种长达40年之久。近年来,由于红麻抗病品种的推广应用,红麻全秆造纸技术的推广,红麻栽培在我省又开始复苏。为了消除人们对红麻病害的忧虑,加速红麻资源的开发和利用,我们进行了红麻抗病品种筛选与防病试验。现将试验结果总结如下,供农民朋友在生产实践中参考。抗病品种的筛选 Our province was an important kenaf production base. Due to the pandemic of anthracnose nationwide in China from 1950 to 1953, it forced us to stop the cultivation of kenaf for 40 years. In recent years, due to the popularization and application of kenaf disease resistant varieties, kenaf whole stalk papermaking technology promotion, kenaf cultivation in our province began to recover. In order to eliminate people’s anxiety about kenaf disease and speed up the development and utilization of kenaf resources, we conducted the screening and disease prevention trials of kenaf varieties. The test results are summarized below, for farmers and friends in the production of practice reference. Screening of resistant varieties
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卜D专女声独唱 每分钟76拍辽阔、深远、温攀、样和 许德清词 仕林曲 。哩l:丝迎,. 塑}丝遨。- 16。1 563. 6 6 1 6 2 53。 2 2 2 1 23· 1 2 16一 一--几一.— 1 .2 3 6 2 3
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