Theoretical study of power amplification in tapered fiber with multi-seed parallel injection

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moli2146
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We proposed the concept of parallel injection power amplification.A tapered fiber amplifier with multi-seed sources by the way of parallel injection was studied.The lower-order modes are excited and more than 90%of the input signal power remains in the fiber core if optimal injection and taper design are set.The power in the doped-core is amplified with high optical-optical efficiency.When light is propagating along the fiber,the higher-order modes are filtered which results in the high output beam quality.Incoherent combination of multi-seed lights launched through the wide end gives rise to the output power of several kW. We proposed the concept of parallel injection power amplification. A tapered fiber amplifier with multi-seed sources by the way of parallel injection was studied. Lower-order modes are excited and more than 90% of the input signal power remains in the fiber core if optimal injection and taper design are set. the power in the doped-core is amplified with high optical-optical efficiency. When light is propagating along the fiber, the higher-order modes are filtered which results in the high output beam quality. combination of multi-seed lights launched through the wide end gives rise to the output power of several kW.
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