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现代自然科学乃至社会科学中颇为流行的一种“耗散结构理论”告诉我们,世界事物大都是开放系统,它最基本的特征是同周围环境不断地进行信息、能量和原材料的幅射及交流并趋向平衡。而从目前档案界的状况来看,各馆之间除了工作经验和方法技能的交流外,在开发档案信息资源方面多是独立经营,埋头自身挖潜,横向联系很少,这样就直接影响了档案作用的有效发挥和档案事业的发展。为此,我们必须在注重发掘本馆馆藏资源的同时,进一步认识到实行馆际交流的重要性和迫切性;在把握丰富馆藏的几种常规途径(包括定期接收、平时收集和广泛征集等)的同时,看到馆际交流对于丰富馆藏的特殊意义。所谓馆际交流,概括地说,就是指在馆与馆之间进行的,关于档案及其信息资源的传递、交换和共享的一种活动。实行馆际交流,用复制或提供复份文件 The so-called “dissipative structure theory” that is popular in modern natural sciences and even in social sciences tells us that most things in the world are open systems. The most basic feature of this is that they constantly carry out information, energy and raw materials radiation with the surrounding environment and Communicate and tend to balance. Judging from the current status of the archives sector, apart from the exchange of work experience and methods and skills, all the museums operate independently in the development of archival information resources. They are digging their own potential and have little horizontal contact, thus directly affecting the archives The effective use of the role and the development of archives. To this end, we must pay more attention to discovering the resources of the museum’s collections, and at the same time, we should further recognize the importance and urgency of implementing the museum-based exchanges. In order to grasp several general ways of enriching collections (including regular reception, usual collection and extensive solicitation) At the same time, we can see the special significance of inter-bank exchange for enriching collections. The so-called inter-museum exchange, in a nutshell, refers to an activity carried out between museums and museums about the transmission, exchange and sharing of archives and their information resources. Implement inter-museum exchange, use copy or provide duplicate documents
今年是马年,屈指算来,已近小50岁。岁月悠悠,给人遐想。 我生在中国人民志愿军即将凯旋的前夜,可能与属相有关,打小,常做的梦就是当一名边防军,肩挎冲锋枪,“骑马奔驰保边疆
也许 在功劳簿与历史丰碑上永远找不出你那平凡而普通的名字也许 在进出的人流与三尺柜台前永远道不尽你辛勤的劳动也许 在颇具诱惑的钞票与枯燥数码里永远觅不到迷人乐曲
瑞雪飞扬,春催大地。站在21世纪的门槛,每一个中国人都不禁深深地感到:21世纪的中国,一个跨越世纪的美丽! 回眸走过的一年,一个个闪耀的地名,记载着中国人的欣喜,记载着13亿中国人跨越世纪
文章对大型群体事件中安全保卫人员在突发事件情境下的心理应激进行深入剖析,并针对这种应激特点,提出心理干预策略。 This article analyzes the psychological stress of