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现在硬盘的发展速度可谓是日新月异,不但容量和速度有了很大的提高,而且新产品的推出伐也在加快,硬盘市场的竞争日趋白热化。在这种形势下,各大硬盘厂商纷纷在自己的产品中采用最新的技术来迎合市场的需求。作为一家具有丰富经验的硬盘制造商,Maxtor最近也推出了一款高性能的IDE硬盘DiamondMax Plus40。 我想大家对Maxtor的产品应该不会感到陌生。在今年一月份的存储设备专题中,我们曾经对Maxtor的DiamondMax Plus6800和DiamondMax 40两款硬盘产品进行过介绍。时隔半年,Maxtor又推出了更强的DiamondMax Plus 40。在与前两款产品的比较过程中,我们发现一个有趣的现象,DiamondMax Plus 40正是二者完美的统一,它吸收了DiamondMax Plus 6800的高转速和DiamondMax 40的单碟容量,在原来的基础上更上一层楼。这次我们测试的硬盘型号为54098U8,容量高达40GB,是该系列的顶级产品。除此之外,Plus 40系列还有10/15/20/30GB等不同规格的产品以针 Now the speed of the development of the hard disk can be described as ever-changing, not only capacity and speed has been greatly improved, and the introduction of new products cutting is also accelerating, increasingly intense competition in the hard disk market. In this situation, major hard disk manufacturers have adopted the latest technology in their products to meet the needs of the market. As an experienced hard drive manufacturer, Maxtor recently introduced the DiamondMax Plus40, a high-performance IDE hard drive. I think everyone should not be unfamiliar with Maxtor’s products. In a January issue of storage devices, we introduced Maxtor’s two DiamondMax Plus6800 and DiamondMax 40 hard drive products. After a lapse of six months, Maxtor introduced the more powerful DiamondMax Plus 40. In comparison with the previous two products, we found an interesting phenomenon, DiamondMax Plus 40 is the perfect unity between the two, it absorbs the DiamondMax Plus 6800 high speed and DiamondMax 40 single platter capacity, based on the original On the next level. This time we tested the hard disk model 54098U8, capacity up to 40GB, is the top of the series. In addition, Plus 40 series also 10/15/20 / 30GB and other products with different specifications
目的:建立高效液相色谱-紫外检测器-蒸发光散射检测器联用法(HPLC-UV-ELSD)同时测定复方妥布霉素滴眼液中妥布霉素和地塞米松的含量。方法:采用Capcell pak MG C18(4.6 mm×1
遵照农业部农市发〔2 0 0 0〕5号文《关于印发第一批农业行业标准制定和修订项目计划 (专项 )的通知》安排 ,下达给中国水稻研究所和农业部稻米及制品质量监督检验测试中心起