新疆哈巴河县加依勒玛乡阔克沙孜村有76户人家,回族占94.3%,建有两座寺院,80%以上的群众信教,青壮年文盲占70%,学龄儿童辍学率占33%以上。全村有2名党员,没有建立党支部。村里男女老少都信教,是远近闻名的穷村、乱村。 近两年,哈巴河县委按照中央精神,采取措施整顿农牧区基层组织,
There are 76 households in Hokke Village, Habahe Village, Habahe County, Xinjiang, with 94.3% of the Hui nationality. There are two monasteries and more than 80% of the people are religious. The illiteracy rate among young and middle aged adults accounts for 70% and the school-age children drop out rate is 33 %the above. The village has two members, did not establish the party branch. All men and women in the village are religious, is well-known poor village, chaos village. In the past two years, Habahe County Committee, in accordance with the spirit of the Central Government, has taken measures to rectify grass-roots organizations in rural and pastoral areas,