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营口市气象研究所经过三年试验、二年生产示范.研制出一套水稻田间定量灌水及施肥模式.收到节省灌溉用水,降低生产成本,提高产量的效果,促进了水稻栽培管理定量化和标准化.1984年营口县沟沿乡在1.006亩水田地上应用这个生产模式.每亩实际用水量由以往的893立方米减少到505立方米,每亩节省水电费3.88元,平均亩产产1,308.4斤,比常规灌水、施肥法增产102.4斤,每亩纯收入增加301.5元,取得了显著的经济效益.模式的主要的内容是: Yingkou Meteorological Institute after three years of trials, two years of production demonstration.Development of a set of quantitative paddy field irrigation and fertilization mode.Received water saving irrigation, reduce production costs and improve yield effect, and promote the cultivation of rice quantitative management and Standardization 1984 Yingkou County Ditch along the rural areas in the 1.006 acres of paddy fields to apply this mode of production.Annual water consumption per acre from the previous 893 cubic meters to 505 cubic meters per acre savings of 3.88 yuan utilities, with an average yield of 1,308.4 kg per mu, Than conventional irrigation, fertilization yield 102.4 kg, net income per acre 301.5 yuan, and achieved significant economic benefits.The main content of the model is:
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中国农业科学院棉花研究所自一九七五年起,以河南省商丘县谢集乡为基点,系统研究了棉花保全苗、促 Cotton Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Since
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A proposal of the cosmological origin of Higgs particles is given. We show that the Higgs field could be created from the vacuum quantum conformal fluctuation (