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  现象一、 “牛郎织女,天各一方”
  分析现象: 单项选择命题中考查的常常是一些固定短语搭配或简单的句子,只是出题者往往使用了插入、前置等手段使句子的结构出现分离现象。试看下面例子:
  (1) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_____ the next year.
  A. carried out B. carrying out
  C. carry out D. to carry out
  此题答案为A,考核的是see sth. done的用法,宾语the plan前置为先行词。但对于一些学生,短语see sb. doing 更为常见,因而容易误选B。
  (2) I think David,_____you,_____ to blame.
  A. rather than; is B. rather than; are
  C. instead of; are D. not; should
  此题答案为A。rather than you是插入语,David is to blame做think的宾语从句。
  解决方案: 洞察分离现象,去掉插入用语。(常用插入语:as it is, as well as ..., you know, to be honest, ...)
  练习链接: ① Danby left word with my secretary the other day_____ he would call again.
  A. who B. when C. that D. as
  ② There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars_____ road conditions need to be improved.
  A. that B. when C. what D. how
  ③ John plays football_____, if not better than, David. (NMET 1994)
  A. as well B. as well as
  C. so well D. so well as
  ④ —I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time.
  —What do you suppose_____ to him?(上海 1997)
  A. was happening B. to happen
  C. has happened D. had happened
  ⑤ Nobody but doctors or nurses and those by Dr Hu_____ to enter the patient’s room.
  A. invited, is allowed
  B. are invited, are allowed
  C. being invited, allowed
  D. invited, are allowed
  参考答案: ① 答案为C。word 和that 引导的从句是同位语的关系,被with my secretary the other day分割开来了。
  ② 答案为A。that引导了a new problem的同位语从句,也被隔开了。
  ③ 答案为B。去掉插入语if not better than,句子一目了然。
  ④ 选C。因为do you suppose 是插入成分。
  ⑤ 选A。doctors or nurses and those (who are) invited并百主语,主语为Nobody。
  现象二、 “群龙聚首,各领风骚”
  分析现象: 有一些单项填空题中出现一个较长的句子,或几个句子连在一起,使结构复杂,不易明白。比如:
  Thinking that you know_____ in fact you don’t is a serious mistake.
  A. what B.that
  C.when D.but
  找句子主干: Thinking ... is a serious mistake.“认为自己知道其实并不知道的事情,这是严重的错误”。答案应是D。
  再看一例: It is the ability to do the job_____matters not where you come from and what you are.
  A. one B. that C. what D. it
  简化原句为: The ability to do the job matters;not where you come from and what you are matters. 再简化一下,原句可解剖为A matters; not B (matters). 结构 和 It is ... that ... 强调句。选B。
  解决方案: 理清句子结构,分析句子成分,找出句子主干,简化句子。
  ①_____ the Tsunami(海啸)_____ has caused about 170,000 deaths so far broke out at the end of 2004 came as a great shock to the whole world.
  A. That; what B. What; that
  C. That; which D. Which; that
  ② The shop she usually did her shopping_____every Saturday has been pulled down for the City Center.
  A. on B. in C. for D. 不填
  ③ The teacher seldom let an opportunity to teach his students or to help them make up for the days of schooling they had missed_____ .
  A. pass B. passing
  C. to pass D. being passed
  参考答案: ① 选C。第一个that引导主语从句做came as a great shock to the whole world 的主语,that不充当任何成分。主语从句中the Tsunami broke out at the end of 2004是主干,中间which has caused about 170,000 deaths so far为定语从句,修饰前面的Tsunami。
  ② 选B。句子She usually did her shopping in the shop.中的the shop前置做先行词。 有学生会误以为是考核时间介词on, 但习惯上every Saturday前是不需加任何介词的。
  ③ 选A。句子主干为The teacher seldom let an opportunity pass. 它是对let sth. do句型的考查,to teach ... missed是opportunity的后置定语。
  现象三、 “斗转星移,沧海桑田”
  分析现象: 很多单项填空题考查的是简单句,但为了考查学生的应变能力而将之改为感叹句、强调句、省略句等。
  解决方案: 还原真面目。请看以下三个例子。
  (1) —What do you think made Marry so sad?
  —_____her new bicycle.
  A. As she lost B. Lost
  C. Losing D. Because she lost
  这是省略句,还原: Losing her new bicycle made Marry so sad. 题中用动名词Losing her bicycle回答what,故选C。
  (2) What is it_____ makes you so excited about such small things?
  A. which B. that C. what D. it
  答案为B。将句子还原为强调句的陈述句形式: It is (what) that makes you so excited ... 被强调的部分是主语“something”, 用what来提问。
  (3) —Who is the man talking to the headmaster?
  —A professor_____ a visit to our school.
  A. paying B. is paying
  C. paid D. pays
  答案是A,省略还原: The man is a professor paying a visit to our school.
  ① —I was tired, Dad.
  A. For what B. For which
  C. From which D. Of what
  ② What great difficulty we had_____ her!
  A. persuade B. to persuade
  C. persuading D. persuaded
  ③ Is this factory_____ you visited last Friday?
  A. which B. where C. the one D. there
  ① 选D。将省略句还原为完整的问句:
  What were you tired of?
  ② 选C。将原句还原为陈述句则可知答案: We had great difficulty (in) persuading her.
  ③ 选C。将原句还原为陈述句,即This factory is the one (which) you visited last Friday.则可知答案。试区别下面一题:
  Is this the factory_____ you visited last Friday?
  A. which B. where C. the one D. there
  此题选A。(原句还原为This is the factory which you visited last Friday.)
  现象四、 “男扮女装,迷情误恋”
  分析现象: 有一些单项填空题似曾相识,但又改了头、换了脸,迷惑性大,易受定向思维影响。
  There were a lot of people in the reading room, most of_____ with their heads bent down over their books.
  A. them B. whom C. that D. which
  该题选A,学生很容易受定向思维影响,误以为是非限制性定语从句,错选B,甚至看到room以为引导词指物而选择了D项。但认真再看一下就会发现所谓的从句并没有谓语,所以不可能是定语从句,而是不定代词 + with的复合结构构成的独立主格结构。
  解决方案: 排除思维定势干扰,弄清句子结构,掌握句子的真正意思。
  ① —I don’t imagine Russ and his poor dog had a good time on the deserted island,_____ ?
  —I have no idea.
  A. didn’t they B. do you
  C. do I D. hadn’t they
  ② She can’t help_____ the house because she’s busy making a cake. (上海1997)
  A. to clean B. cleaning
  C. clean D. being cleaned
  ③ Australians have to prevent dingoes their sheep and cattle.
  A. from protecting B. to protect
  C. protect D. to protecting
  ① 选A。这道题涉及到一个重要的语法点。I don’t think (believe, suppose, imagine, expect ...) + 宾语从句主从复合句的附加疑问句要针对从句来提问,因为这类句子的主要意思在从句,主句只起着缓和语气的作用。叶斯柏森(Jespersen)在其《现代英语语法》第五卷Negation那一章有详细分析。have a good time中的have意为“经历”,所以不能选D。
  ② 选C。此题在解答时应防止受can’t help doing的影响,实际考查的是help (to) do 的用法。这从其原因状语从句可知。
  ③ 选B。应排除定势思维,而误认为此题是考prevent sb. from doing sth.这个短语。实际上原句子的意思是“澳大利亚人必须防止野狗们要保护他们的牛羊们。”所以横线上填的是表达目的的to protect。
  1. 高考试题中常常有我们“似曾相识”的题目和内容,平时不仅要做题,还要学会举一反三,横向、纵向联系,训练解题思路,考试中才能游刃有余。
  2. 准备高考唯一的途径就是要脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,注重基础、培养能力,尤其是分析能力与判断能力,从而做到以不变应万变。总之,最重要的是弄懂题目的意思。
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目的:观察体外培养星形胶质细胞损伤后S100β的表达变化,进一步了解脑损伤修复的分子机制,以期为法医病理学鉴定提供更多的依据。方法:取出生后24 h内SD大鼠大脑皮质进行星形