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振兴老工业基地的浪潮在东北大地上汹涌澎湃,抚顺振兴的重要标志之一是中国北方石化城的迅速崛起。抚顺曾有祖国的“煤都”之称,因煤而兴,因油而发展。在煤炭资源逐步枯竭的情况下,这个退出计划经济较晚,改革开发较慢的老工业城市经济发展已经明显落后。昔日的辉煌不在,怎样重振雄风?市长王大平说:“一个城市要发展,必须研究它的比较优势,运作好这个优势才能举一反三,达到振兴的目的”可以说,抚顺市领导走出了一步高棋,从2002年春起,经过大量艰苦细致的工作,整合人才、技术、资源、产业发展等优势,将“绿都”作为抚顺城市的定位,中国北方石化城作为城市的产业定位,以此抓住国家振兴东北老工业基地的战略机遇,赢得了发展的先机。透过这一准确的定位,我们可以看到这个分量很重的城市正在坚毅转身。本着先规划后实施的原则,以建设中国北方石化城为目标,进行抚顺产业结构调整和优化,已经使这一产业品牌得到普遍认同并产生很大的吸引力。 The wave of rejuvenating the old industrial base is surging on the earth in the northeast. One of the most important symbols of the revitalization of Fushun is the rapid rise of the petrochemical city in northern China. Fushun had the motherland’s “Coal Capital,” said, due to the rise of coal, due to the development of oil. In the case of a gradual depletion of coal resources, the exit from the planned economy is relatively late and the economic development in the old industrial cities where reform and development are slow has lagged far behind. Mayor Wang Daping said: “If a city wants development, it must study its comparative advantage and operate well to achieve the goal of reunifying superiorities.” It can be said that the leader of Fushun City took a step forward High Chess, starting from the spring of 2002, through a lot of hard and meticulous work, integrates advantages of talents, technology, resources and industrial development, takes “Green City” as the positioning of Fushun City and North China Petrochemical City as the city’s industrial location. Seize the strategic opportunities for the country to revitalize the northeast old industrial base and win the development opportunity. With this accurate positioning, we can see that this heavyweight city is turning around resolutely. In the first plan after the implementation of the principle of building a petrochemical city in northern China as the goal, Fushun adjustment of industrial structure and optimization, has made the industry recognized by the brand and has great appeal.
方正集团与日本欧姆龙株式会社合作开发城市A F C系统(轨道交通自动收费系统)已有一年半之久,最近,方正终于公开展示双方联手设立的O M R O N/方正轨道交通AFC实验室,同时宣
维C价格跳水,在国际市场举足轻重的中国四巨头面临共同危机,心理作祟带来的扩张走向何处?战场是否转移,反倾销是否出现?维C前进道路再次蒙雾。 C dimension of diving price
7月14日,IBM与中科红旗在北京签署了“共同建立Linux测试移植平台”备忘录。这是IBM首次与中国Linux厂商合作建立Linux支持机构。该平台将免费向I S V(独立软件开发厂商)开放