Design and application of electrical fire monitoring system in mining industry

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baby_xiaojuan
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To protect mining areas from electrical fire,it is very important to install electrical fire monitoring system to ensure safety in development of mineral resources and for buildings.In this paper,design for electrical fire monitoring and detection system with optional sensor modules has been proposed.In addition,necessity and suitability of electrical fire monitoring and detection system with optional sensor modules in mining areas have been reviewed.The designed electrical fire monitoring and detection system suitable for work environment of mining industry is composed by host-computer monitoring software and slave-computer detectors.Monitoring detectors are manufactured by using embedded technology.External shells deployed have superior enclosure performances and explosion-proof properties.It is easy to install and maintain the system.In general,the system has reached,or even exceeded standards specified in national standards for performances and appearances of such devices.Test results show application of electrical fire monitoring and detection system can effectively enhance monitoring intensity over the mining areas and provide reliable guarantee to ensure orderly development of mineral resources and to protect physical and property safety of citizens in these areas. To protect mining areas from electrical fire, it is very important to install electrical fire monitoring system to ensure safety in development of mineral resources and for buildings.In this paper, design for electrical fire monitoring and detection system with optional sensor modules has been proposed. In addition, necessity and suitability of electrical fire monitoring and detection system with optional sensor modules in mining areas have been reviewed.The designed electrical fire monitoring and detection system suitable for work environment of mining industry is composed by host-computer monitoring software and slave- computer detectors. Monitoring of detectors are manufactured by using embedded technology. External shells deployed have superior enclosure performances and explosion-proof properties. It is easy to install and maintain the system. In general, the system has reached, or even exceeded standards specified in national standards for performances and appearances of such devices.Test resu lts show application of electrical fire monitoring and detection system can effectively enhance monitoring intensity over the mining areas and provide reliable guarantee to ensure orderly development of mineral resources and to protect physical and property safety of citizens in these areas.
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