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小海白是光明中学的学生,她曾获得了“全市道德公民”和“全国优秀劳动模范学生”的称号。一天放学,小海白刚义务捡完了门前广场上的垃圾回家,便躺在床上睡着了。她疲劳了一天了,课间忙着组织“手拉手”小队员,星期日去敬老院进行慰问活动;课后忙着给小环——一个双目失明的孩子辅导功课……小海白除了上课便是去助人为乐,去做“活雷锋”。她闭上了眼,嘴角露出了微笑;她睡得那么香甜,渐渐地进入了梦乡……这天夜里,她做了一个梦。小海白变成了一个天使——一个长着一对洁白翅膀的天使,她在这座城市上空飞着,看着。“瞧,家家户户开着门,再也没有贼了。行走在人行道的盲人再也不怕有人撞了……”人们加强了道德意识,做到了“爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献。”城市变得秩序井然。“看,那一群少先队员们正在马路护栏边干着什么”。于是,小海白飞过去,瞧个究竟。原来,他们在擦洗护栏呢。他们一个个身手敏捷,动作娴熟,有的弯下腰,把毛巾沾湿;有的挺起胸,目不转睛地擦着;有的执着小刀,歪着头,正一点一点地把脏泥刮去。他们干得多认真,满头大汗的。“咦?怎么没有人在场上大扫除呢?”也难怪,没有人随地吐痰,吐口香糖了;没有人随地乱涂乱画了;没有人随地扔 Xiao Haibai is a student of Guangming Middle School. She has won the title of “Moral Citizen of the City” and “National Outstanding Model Worker”. One day after school, Xiao Hai Bai Gang was obliged to finish the garbage on the square in front of her and went to bed and fell asleep. She was tired for a day. She was busy organizing small members of the “hands-in-hand” class. She went to the nursing home for condolences on Sundays. After school, she was busy giving Xiaohuan, a blinded child with tutoring lessons. Xiao Haibai was not attending classes. Go to help others and make fun of it. She closed her eyes and smiled at her mouth; she slept so sweet, and she gradually fell asleep. This night, she had a dream. Xiaohai Bai became an angel, an angel with a pair of white wings. She flew over the city and looked at it. “Oh, every household has a door open, no more thief. The blind people walking on the sidewalk are no longer afraid of anyone...” People have strengthened their moral awareness and have achieved “patriotic and law-abiding, honest and honest, united and friendly, and diligent and self-improving. Dedicated dedication.“ The city has become orderly. ”Look, that group of young pioneers are doing something along the roadside fence.“ As a result, Xiao Hai’s white flies past. It turned out that they were scrubbing the guardrail. One of them was agile and skilled, some bent down and dipped in a towel; some straightened their chests and intently wiped; some clinging to their knives and covering their heads, they were scraping dirty mud little by little. . They are serious and sweaty. ”Why? Why didn’t anyone do a cleanup on the court?" No wonder, no one spitting and chewing gum; no one scribbled anywhere; no one left anywhere
第一部分:听力略第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.—
右图:3月25日上午8时,上海漕溪北路南丹路口,交警处罚一辆骑滑板车的人。  下图:机动车直线变道、连续变道,非机动车逆向行驶,行人乱穿马路……这些在马路上易出现的突出违法行为,由于只发生在短短数秒甚至一瞬间,向来是道路交通执法管理中的难点。上海杨浦警方在全市率先为警用摩托车装设行车记录仪,通过这些移动“鹰眼”,动态取证马路上的“瞬间违法”。  上图:3月24日晚高峰,海宁路西藏路口,接受处罚的车
在我的心目中,爸爸是一只好大好大的船,妈妈是一张洁白洁白的帆,我是一叶随波荡漾的扁舟。船扬起了帆、帆推动了船,它们带领着小舟,在生活之海中劈波斩浪,勇往直前! 当然,在
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