
来源 :中国美术馆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:IT_Yong
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海峡两岸,艺术本是源于一脉;隔海相望,两岸学者对中国传统文化与近现代世界各国文化艺术发展的研究各有精到之处,彼此神交已久。大势所趋,各个阶层和领域的人们都渴望团结、发展和真诚地交流。2005年3月31日始,受中国内地中华文化联谊会邀请,由台湾沈春池文教基金会筹组的包括一些知名艺术家、评论家在内的“台湾美术专业人士内地交流访问团”经由深圳、广州、上海到达北京,旨在考察内地的文化艺术现状,并把台湾当代美术发展的情况传达到内地。2005年4月8日上午,于中国美术馆举行了“探索两岸交流新风貌研讨会”。会上,海峡两岸的美术理论家、艺术家就各专题作了相关报告。 On both sides of the Taiwan Strait, art originates from a single vein. Across the sea and across the sea, scholars from both sides of the Strait have each been skilled in the study of the development of Chinese culture and the arts and culture in all countries in the modern world. The trend of the times has led all people in all sectors and fields to long for unity, development and sincere exchanges. From March 31, 2005 onwards, invited by the Chinese Cultural Association of Mainland China, the “Mainland Art Exchange and Visiting Delegation of Taiwan Fine Arts Artists”, including some well-known artists and critics, organized by Taiwan’s Shen Chunchi Cultural and Educational Foundation, Guangzhou and Shanghai to Beijing. The purpose is to examine the status quo of the arts and culture in the Mainland and to convey the development of contemporary art in Taiwan to the Mainland. On the morning of April 8, 2005, “Symposium on New Scenery for Cross-Strait Exchanges” was held in the China Art Museum. At the meeting, art theaters and artists on both sides of the Taiwan Strait made relevant reports on various topics.
编辑同志: 在一次经营活动中,我因故未能履行合同,对方控告我诈骗,某县公安局以诈骗嫌疑将我拘留。后经亲戚作保证人并交纳保证金一万元,我才被取保候审。后来公安局以不构
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有一位新认识的朋友,他很阳光,喜欢各种娱乐和运动,尤其喜欢打篮球。  他打篮球的方式很奇特,总是用左手运球,居然能用单手在人群阻挡中准确地投篮。其实,他这样做的原因并不是出于卖弄球技,而是因为他只有一只手。这只神奇的左手能打一手好球,写一手好字,甚至能在钢琴上演奏出动听的乐曲。   那天,我和一个朋友去他家看他,他的父亲非常热情,要留我们吃饭。   他们一家人都很热情,谈起他的时候,言语之中总透露