Mechanical Properties of Coating and Part by Laser Engineered Net Shaping by Nanoindentation Testing

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinlingsvs
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The mechanical properties,such as hardness and modulus of elasticity of coatings and the part of thin walls of Ni-based and Co-based alloy prepared by LENS were measured by nanoindentation testing,scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy were used to analyze their microstructure,the affect of parameters on structure and mechanical properties were studied.The results showed that the mechanical properties were basically identical with the whole coating;the hardness and modulus of elasticity of nanoindentation were evenly distributed in the defect field.The average hardness and modulus of elasticity of coating of Ni-based alloy are 8.29GPa and 235GPa.The average hardness and modulus of elasticity of coating of Co-based alloy are 7.08GPa and 243GPa.The modulus of elasticity of part of thin walls has relationship with the grain orientation. The mechanical properties, such as hardness and modulus of elasticity of coatings and the part of thin walls of Ni-based and Co-based alloys prepared by LENS were measured by nanoindentation testing, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy were used to analyze their microstructure , the affect of parameters on structure and mechanical properties were studied.The results showed that the mechanical properties were basically identical with the whole coating; the hardness and modulus of elasticity of nanoindentation were evenly distributed in the defect field. the average hardness and modulus of elasticity of coating of Ni-based alloy are 8.29GPa and 235GPa.The average hardness and modulus of elasticity of coating of Co-based alloy are 7.08GPa and 243GPa.The modulus of elasticity of part of thin walls has relationship with the grain orientation.
9月24日,齐鲁书香节暨2016山东书展在山东书城开幕。作为开幕当日首场重磅活动,上午10时,山东教育出版社主办的《季羡林评传》首发暨《季羡林作品全集》编纂启动仪式在众多读者翘首期盼下隆重举行。  中国社会科学院学部委员、中国印度文学研究会长、印度莲花奖和印度总统奖获得者黄宝生,中国社会科学院研究员郭良鋆,中国社会科学院研究员葛维钧,著名印度学专家、深圳大学印度研究中心主任、《季羡林评传》作者郁龙
In present paper,microstructure is observed by means of OM,SEM,EBSD and TEM analysis on material obtained from X100 linepipe with wall thickness as 20.6mm and o
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