
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghostwh
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劳技课的开设是提高学生整体素质的需要,是全面提高素质教育的补充。按照国家对义务教育的要求:“在全日制小学和初级中学教育中,必须贯彻德、智、体、美全面发展的方针,实行教育与生产劳动相结合,切实加强劳动教育,提高全民族的素质,为培养社会主义建设人才奠定基础。” The opening of labor and technical courses is a need to improve the overall quality of students, and it is a supplement to comprehensively improve quality education. According to the national requirements for compulsory education: “In the education of full-time elementary and junior high schools, we must implement the principles of the all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty, implement the combination of education and production labor, strengthen labor education, and improve the national Quality lays the foundation for cultivating talents for socialist construction."
Er 3+ doped transparent oxyfluoride glass ceramics containing LaF_3 nanocrystals were prepared and the up-con- version and near infrared luminescence behavior o
目的:血小板源性生长因子(platelet-derived growth factor,PDGF)可引起增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变。酪氨酸激酶的激活对生长因子介导的细胞增殖起着重要作用。本研究评价特异性
一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,满分40分.  1. 设集合M={-1,0,1},N={x|x2≤x},则M∩N=( )  A. {0} B. {0,1} C. {-1,1} D. {-1,0}  2. 已知复数z1=2 i,z1·z2=2-i,则复数z2=( )  A. i B. --i C. -i D. - i  3. 已知平面向量=(x1,y1),=(x2,y2),若||=2,||
介绍了利用计算机根据已知流量系数和给定阀座直径、行程、可调比及流量特性的条件下自动绘制柱塞式调节阀阀瓣型面的方法。 The method of automatically drawing the valv
美国UL公司是一个独立的、非盈利的、旨在执行安全检验,并以安全标准为依据,经营证明业务的私营机构。它的全称是保险商实验室公司(Underwriters Laboratories Inc.)。LU公
实现企业做强做长目标,必须增强低碳施工的责任感和使命感。在国家大力推进创建低碳经济发展模式的今天,施工企业以强烈的责任感和使命感,积极置身其中,而 To achieve the g
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