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电力定价、电力入网、差价分摊、电网规划的国家政策如何走向,风电场特许权招标和风电机组国产化率政策的深层次引导,是读懂行业特征的关键.“,”Now, more and more new energy industries are rising from the horizon like the sun. In the new energy industry field, Wind power is developing the fastest and is regarded as worthy investment. Chinese wind-power industry currently starts at the earliest phases. Lot of problems have not been resolved in three aspects: the first is how to price when selling to the state power system; the second is how to connect into the state power system; the third is what kind of facilities and equipment should be used to generate electricity with wind power. It will be influencing the development of the wind power industry in the future to find reasonable solutions for these problems. These problems will be solved in detailed rules in Renewable Energy Law that will come into effect on Jan.1st, 20066. The draft of detailed implementation rules has been i: sued for comments. The pricing of wind power electricity has been concluded. Base on the new principle of fe( d-n-Tariff, to estimate and dispute the limited electric power resource will become serious. Moreover, the quota system which is expected by every business person in this industry, which can directly influence the demand has not been issued.
亚洲人数众多的富豪正吸引国际私人银行机构加速涌入,但是专业人才的匮乏,苛刻的政策限制,以及灰色的资金来源都让私人银行每前进一步都小心翼翼.","Private banking is high
缺乏"杀手级应用"成为3G运营商的头号心病,美国和欧盟推动的e911、e112正在催熟手机定位.随着技术的成熟和价格下降,手机定位有望成为新的"杀手级应用".","LBS/GIS service i