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(一)1983年12月5—7日,联合国教科文组织岩石圈保护学术委员会第三次会议在莫斯科举行(第一次会议于1981年6月1—3日在巴黎举行,第二次会议于1982年5月3—7日在布拉格举行。我所周必凡和丁锡祉同志分别参加了这两次会议)。学术委员6国10人(苏3人,美、法各2人,中、日、捷各1人),联合国官员2人以及英国、法国、联邦德国和苏联17名科学家以观察员身份参加了会议。苏联地质部部长E.A.柯兹洛夫斯基和教科文组织地学司司长V.谢尔巴瓦主持了会议。这次会议的议程之一是讨论《滑坡和泥石流》专著的定稿及出版问题。会议认为,经6国(日、美、苏、中、英、法)6人编委于1983年7月24日至8月2日在东京全面审定并作了适当修改补充后,该专著第一卷——基础理论部分可以在1984年出版,而第二卷——区域性问题仍需在近期再举行一次编委会审定。《滑坡和泥石流》这一专著的出版,将有助于加强各国科学家在这一领域的学术交流,并促进研究水平的提高。 (I) On December 5-7, 1983, the third session of the UNESCO Academic Committee on Lithospheric Protection was held in Moscow (the first meeting was held in Paris on June 1-3, 1981 and the second meeting Held in Prague from May 3-7, 1982. Comrades Zhou Zifan and Ding Xizhi from my office attended these two meetings respectively.) There were 10 academicians from 6 countries (3 from Soviet Union, 2 from United States and France, 1 from China, Japan, and Czech Republic), 2 from United Nations officials and 17 scientists from Britain, France, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Union attended the meeting as observers . E.A. Kozlowski, Minister of the Soviet Union’s Department of Geology, and V. Sherbawa, Director of the Division of Geosciences of UNESCO, presided over the meeting. One of the agenda items for this meeting is to discuss the finalization and publication of the book Landslides and Debris Flow. The meeting held that after the six editorial boards of six countries (Japan, the United States, the Soviet Union, China, Britain and France) were fully validated and supplemented as necessary in Tokyo from July 24 to August 2, 1983, the monograph One volume - the basic theory part can be published in 1984, while the second volume - the regional issues still need to be held in the near future editorial board. The publication of the monograph “Landslide and Debris Flow” will help strengthen the academic exchanges among scientists in this field and promote the improvement of the research level.
目的 探讨住院患儿维生素D测定水平与血清超敏C反应蛋白(hc-CPR)、降钙素原(PCT)及血常规的相关性.方法 选取英德市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心2017年7月-2018年7月儿科门诊体
目的 探讨甲磺酸罗哌卡因腰-硬联合麻醉(CSEA)对行经皮肾镜碎石术(PCNL)患者镇静与血流动力学的影响.方法 选取山东省菏泽市单县中心医院2014年1月-2017年1月收治的行PCNL患
目的 探析血脂检测在糖尿病患者筛查诊断中的应用效果.方法 将2018年2-7月在江门市职业病防治所接受.治疗的70例确诊的糖尿病患者作为观察组,另选取同期于该院接受健康检查的
急性脑梗死的治疗,目前认为,以急性期溶栓(发病3小时以内)恢复脑血流为最有效的治疗。药物溶栓是目前的标准治疗,国内开展的包括r-TPA和静脉尿激酶。 超声在药物溶栓中的
卵圆孔未闭( PI0)与脑卒中、神经型减压病、偏头痛的关系己得到充分的重视,但由于对卵圆孔未闭的检查方法不同使研究的结果不同,经颅多普勒超声(TCD)与经食管超声在同时检测时
Cooperative diversity is proposed as a means to improve the wireless transmission performance, which can effectively combat the wireless fading through sharing
目的 对地佐辛在剖宫产术中寒战治疗的应用效果进行分析.方法 将2017年8月-2018年8月期间在中山市东凤镇人民医院进行剖宫产的66例产妇作为此次研究对象,根据患者入院顺序将