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近年来,随着能源紧缺与市场竞争加剧,在满足产品质量和产量需求的基础上,采用节能、环保、经济型的生产技术与工艺来制造高磁感取向硅钢已成为世界各大取向硅钢生产厂的研发热点,采用薄板坯连铸连轧工艺来代替传统的厚板坯连铸-热轧工艺就是其中之一。薄板坯连铸连轧是20世纪80年代末在钢铁制造领域成功开发并在近年来得到快速发展的一项新技术,是连续、紧凑、高效的板带材生产工艺流程之一。与传统厚板坯连铸-热轧工艺相比,采用薄板坯连铸连轧工艺生产高磁感取向硅钢,在节能降耗、提高生产效率与提升产品质量等方面都具有众多优势。薄板坯在1 100~1 200℃温度下经短时间加热后即 In recent years, with the energy shortage and market competition intensified to meet the product quality and yield requirements, based on the use of energy-saving, environmentally friendly and economical production technology and technology to manufacture high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel has become the world’s major oriented silicon steel production R & D hot spots, the use of thin slab casting and rolling process to replace the traditional thick slab casting - hot-rolled process is one of them. Thin slab continuous casting and rolling is a new technology successfully developed in the field of steel manufacturing in the late 1980s and developed rapidly in recent years. It is one of the continuous, compact and efficient strip and strip production process. Compared with the traditional thick slab continuous casting and hot rolling process, the production of high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel by the thin slab continuous casting and rolling process has many advantages in terms of energy saving, consumption reduction, production efficiency improvement and product quality improvement. Thin slab at 1 100 ~ 1 200 ℃ temperature after a short time after heating
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老黄前些年下了岗,用工厂补偿的一点钱在水果市场开了一家水果店。  几年下来,老黄经营的水果店,由面积不到10平方米的小店发展到面积达50平方米的小型水果超市,成了水果市场经营效益最好的商户之一,而这一切都归功于他独到的生意智慧。    ◆水果广告助销售    在老黄的店里,每一种水果旁边都配有一句广告词。有的是介绍某种水果的功效,比如芒果的广告词是:“生食能止呕,孕妇作呕时,可吃芒果肉或以芒果煎水
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.