Evaluation of soil fertility of the shelter-forest land along the Tarim Desert Highway

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tashon123
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To study the changes of soil fertility of the shelter-forest land along the Tarim Desert Highway, soils from the forest land were collected at the layers of 0―10 cm, 10―20 cm, 20―30 cm. Different soil fertility parameters were measured, and quantitative evaluation of soil fertility was performed by the soil integrated fertility index (IFI). The main results show that the construction of the shelter forest along the Tarim Desert Highway improved the soil physical structure, increased soil porosity and enhanced wa- ter-holding capacity. With the increase of plantation time of the shelter forest, soil microbial biomass C, N, P and the activities of six types of enzyme were enhanced, which promoted the accumulation and transformation of soil nutrients of the forest land. Consequently, the soil nutrients in 12-year-old forest land were much higher than in the newer ones and drifting sand. However, soil salt content of the older forest land was higher owing to the drip-irrigation with salt water. Through the comprehensive evalua- tion, we found that soil fertility index in the forest land was enhanced with the forest age, and it had close correlations with the growth indices of the forest trees. In summary, construction of the shelterforest along the Tarim Desert Highway accelerated the improvement of aeolian soil in the forest land, and the soil fertility improved year by year. We conclude that the forest trees grow normally under the stress of the present drip-irrigation with salt water. To study the changes of soil fertility of the shelter-forest land along the Tarim Desert Highway, soils from the forest land were collected at the layers of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm. Different soil fertility parameters were measured, and quantitative evaluation of soil fertility was performed by the soil integrated fertility index (IFI). The main results show that the construction of the shelter forest along the Tarim Desert Highway improved the soil physical structure, increased soil porosity and enhanced wa- ter With the increase of plantation time of the shelter forest, soil microbial biomass C, N, P and the activities of six types of enzyme were enhanced, which promoted the accumulation and transformation of soil nutrients of the forest land. the soil nutrients in 12-year-old forest land were much higher than in the newer ones and drifting sand. However, soil salt content of the older forest land was higher owing to the drip-irrigation with salt water. Through the comprehensive evaluation- we found that soil fertility index in the forest land was enhanced with the forest age, and it had close correlations with the growth indices of the forest trees. In summary, construction of the shelterforest along the Tarim Desert Highway accelerated the improvement of aeolian soil in the forest land, and the soil fertility improved year by year. We conclude that the forest trees grow normally under the stress of the present drip-irrigation with salt water.
曼谷专电 泰国显要人物私宅建筑风格各异,有的是西式、有的是泰西合璧或泰中合壁,前总理、泰中建交的功臣克立·巴莫先生的住宅却纯粹是泰国式的。它座落在离湄南河一公里多
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