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1949年10月1日,拥有悠久文明的中国,开始使用一副新的心脏来跳动:有450万党员的中国共产党成为领导全国政权的执政党.中国共产党由建党初期的50余人发展到1949年的450万人,其中有140万人是在一年内发展的.一些投机分子和坏分子混入党内,执政党的地位使一些党员经不住权力和物质享受的引诱发生变化,忘记了“为人民服务”的宗旨,腐化堕落.腐败是执政党最大的危险1951年11月下旬,中共河北省委根据刘青山、张子善的严重犯罪事实,报经周恩来总理批准,由河北省公安厅对其依法逮捕;省委开除了他们的党籍.11月29日,华北局向毛泽东、党中央书面报告.第二天,毛泽东批示:“华北天津地委前书记刘青山及现书记张子善均是大贪污犯,已经华北局发现,并着手处理.我们认为华北局的方针是正确的.这件事给中央、中央局、分局、省市区党委提出了警告,必须严重地注意干部被资产阶级腐蚀发生严重贪污行为这一事实,注意发现、揭露和惩处,并须当作一场大斗争来处理.”此前,中央各机关已发现有贪污行为者1万人左右.其中贪污1亿元至几十亿元(旧币1万元相当于后来100元)者18人,贪污1000万元以上1亿元以下者130人左右,贪污100万元左右的,占80%.公安部行政处长宋德贵侵吞公安部大楼基建款9亿元,用于个人挥霍,每日进口白兰地,一次? On October 1, 1949, China, a country with a long history of civilization, began to use a new heart to beat: the Chinese Communist Party, with 4.5 million members, became the ruling party that led the national power and the Chinese Communist Party grew from more than 50 in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic to 1949 Of the 4.5 million people, of whom 1.4 million were developed within a year. Some speculators and bad elements have been mixed into the party. The status of the ruling party has changed the temptation of some party members to resist the power and material enjoyment. They have forgotten that “ People’s Service ”, Corruption and Corruption Corruption is the Ruling Party’s Greatest Danger In late November 1951, according to the serious criminal facts of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, the CPC Hebei Provincial Party Committee reported to Premier Zhou Enlai for approval and Hebei Provincial Public Security Department The provincial party committee expelled their party.On November 29, the North China Bureau made a written report to Mao Zedong and the Party Central Committee.On the second day, Mao Zedong instructed: “Liu Qingshan, former secretary of the North China Tianjin Committee and Zhang Zishan, the current secretary, are both large-scale embezzlers , It has been found in the North China Bureau and it has been handled. We think the principle of the North China Bureau is correct. This issue has given a warning to the Central Party Committee, the Central Bureau, the sub-bureaus, the provincial and municipal party committees, and must seriously Italian cadres were corrupted by the bourgeoisie to commit serious corruption, paying attention to discovering, exposing and punishing them and must deal with it as a big battle. ”Previously, the central authorities found about 10,000 corrupt persons, among which Corruption of 100 million to several billion yuan (old currency equivalent to 100 yuan later) 18, more than 10 million yuan embezzled less than 100 million yuan about 130 people, about 100 million corruption, accounting for 80%. Song Degui, chief of the administrative department of the Ministry of Public Security, invaded the infrastructure of the Ministry of Public Security for a total sum of 900 million yuan for personal squanders and imported brandies once daily.
目的:探讨白毛藤多糖(Solamum lyratum Thunb polysaccharide,SLTP)联合阿霉素(Adrismycim,ADM)对人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞凋亡的影响及其分子机制。方法:实验分为空白对照组、ADM组、ADM
位于珠江口东南方、北邻深圳的香港地区,包括香港、九龙和新界(以下简称香港)是中国神圣领土不可分离的一部分。 香港这一地名,最早见于明朝万历年间(1573—1620年)郭斐所著
【正】 明中后发展起来的私人海上贸易,冲击了封建统治阶层,使统治集团内部形成主禁与主开的两股对立政治势力,并长期进行争论和斗争,他们争论的焦点是:第一,开市与祖宗成法
Chapter 1. Shenton mountain Battle making Great Prestige to the 129th DivisionChapter 2. A fierce fight in the Xiangtang town stricking the observating KMT Gen
一、牌楼重建“团城”岿然 北京故宫对面的“团城”遗迹,是现在仍然保留在北海附近的一座地面建筑。这个遗迹的保留,是在周总理的具体指示下作出的。团城传为大都建立时同时