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在压铸生产中,装卸压铸模非常费力费时。特别是装压铸模,需要两名操作者和行车工协调配合,不断地调整压铸模与压室凸台的相对位置,稍有差错就无法装配。由于凸台高度太小(10mm),装配时无法观测,只能凭操作者的经验和感觉,上下左右反复调整,直到凸台嵌入压铸模凹孔。在生产中,我们找到了一种快速安装压铸模的方法。 首先根据压室的内孔尺寸制造一根定位导柱(详见附图),装压铸模时,先将定位导柱装入压铸模的内孔,再通过调整压铸模的空间位置,将定位导柱的另一端装入压室内孔,然后轻轻一推。就可以把压室的凸台嵌入到压铸模的凹孔,将模具紧固 In the die casting production, loading and unloading die casting is very time-consuming and laborious. In particular, the installation of die casting, the two operators and the need for coordination with the driver, continue to adjust the pressure die casting mold and the relative position of the boss, a slight error can not be assembled. As the boss height is too small (10mm), the assembly can not be observed, only by the operator’s experience and feeling, up and down repeatedly adjusted until the boss embedded die cavity. In production, we found a way to quickly install die-casting molds. First of all, according to the size of the bore of the pressure chamber to create a positioning guide column (see photo), when the mold is installed, the positioning guide column into the inner hole of the die-casting mold, and then adjust the die-casting mold space position, The other end of the guide column into the pressure chamber hole, and then gently push. The boss of the pressure chamber can be embedded into the concave hole of the die-casting mold to fasten the mold
国家信息中心常务副主任刘鹤在海南博鳌中国上市公司发展潜力论坛会上说,我国十五经济有几个特征需要引起关注:一、中国将要加入 WTO,中国的 GDP将因此增长一点五个百分点。
据资料介绍,淬火工序可使m=2~3的齿轮公法线增加0.02mm左右,珩齿工序可使齿轮公法线缩短0.005~0.01mm(生产上一般忽略不计)。 我厂多年来一直在齿轮加工工艺中使用这两个数据