来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xjl121121
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- An analytical method based on the Reference (Huang Yuying, 1986) is presented for finding the elastic deflection of pipelines laid with an articulated stinger. The suspended segment and the segment supported by the stinger are treated separately hnt simultaneously with the singular perturbation technique and by use of the continuous conditions at the joint between the two segments, an approximate solution of the second order to the deflection of the whole pipeline is obtained. - An analytical method based on the Reference (Huang Yuying, 1986) is presented for finding the elastic deflection of pipelines laid with an articulated stinger. The suspended segment and the segment supported by the stinger are treated separately hnt simultaneously with the singular perturbation technique and by use of the continuous conditions at the joint between the two segments, an approximate solution of the second order to the deflection of the whole pipeline is obtained.
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- This paper briefly introduces the experimental studies on maritime engineering structures with irregular wavemaker system in Nanjing Hydraulic Reseach Instit
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According to X-ray structure analysis, it was found that there exist oxygen disordered defects in the crystal lattice of the samples without exception as x was
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一九五一年生,江苏沛县人。现为中国美术家协会会员,江苏花鸟画研究会副会长,南 Born in 1951, Jiangsu Peixian people. Now a member of Chinese Artists Association, Ji