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英国园艺研究国际研究所的戴维·詹姆斯教授近日在伦敦举行的英国科学节上说 ,他正与牙科专家合作 ,尝试将一种基因植入水果 ,使水果中产生保护牙齿的物质。伦敦古伊斯医院的专家发现 ,一种特殊的缩氨酸能防止变种链球菌附着在牙齿表面 ,而这种细菌正是引起蛀牙的罪魁祸首。他 Professor David James of the International Institute of Horticultural Research at the British Science Festival in London recently said he is working with dental specialists to try to implant a gene into fruits that produce teeth-protecting substances in fruits. Experts at Gulith Hospital in London have found that a special form of peptide prevents the adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to the surface of the tooth, a bacteria that is the culprit responsible for tooth decay. he
目的 探讨利用废弃指组织形成皮瓣或组织瓣带蒂游离移植修复邻指损伤的手术方法及临床效果.方法 自2008年5月至2015年6月,采用废弃指组织形成皮瓣或组织瓣移植修复邻指软组织
  The dynamic model of Jeffcott rotor system with rubbing fault based on two rigidity supports was built.Both thought of shooting method and Runge-Kutta metho
  Vibration signal.analysis has been an important method in the detection and diagnosis of gearbox faults.A novel signal analysis method,which is now known as
目的 分析疾病管理对脑卒中患者卒中再发的影响.方法 收集我院2018年5月-2020年1月收治的脑卒中患者104例作为研究样本,依照红蓝球法分为A组(n=52)与B组(n=52),其中的A组给予
一、选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1.林俊杰的生日是() A.3月27日B.3月17日C.7月23日D.7月13日2.林俊杰的星座是() A.白羊座B.狮子座C.金牛座D.双鱼座3.林俊杰的英文名字是() A.La
  This paper presents the design of a non-inverting synchronous buck-boost DC/DC power converter with moderate power level for solar power management system.T
柑桔园套种大球盖菇,可节约劳动力,增产、增收,既加强了果园管理,同时又增加菇的收入,菇的下脚料又可作柑桔的有机肥。增加果园比肥力,达到“双增一省”效果。 Citrus orch
An improved algorithm based on the layer peeling (LP) method is proposed and demonstrated. The new method is shown to be effective for mitigating the impact of
目的 将3D打印技术应用在颌面部鼻-眶-筛粉碎性骨折整复手术中,探寻数字化外科在鼻-眶-筛复合骨折手术复位过程中的准确性及优势.方法 选取2017—2019年新疆医科大学第一附属