西部大开发 兵团任重道远

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实施西部大开发战略3年来,兵团积极响应中央号召,在基础设施建设、生态环境保护与建设、结构调整、科技教育、对外开放等重点领域做了大量工作,取得了初步的成效,使兵团西部开发工作有了实质性进展。回顾西部大开发3年来取得的成绩,联系兵团的实际,我们深有体会地认识到:一、学习借鉴是实施开发的前提。兵团有近50年的开发经验,但西部开发是新形势下的开发,面临新环境、新问题,赋予了开发的新内容。西部开发 In the past three years since its implementation of the strategy of developing the western region, the Corps has responded positively to the call of the Central Government and has done a great deal of work in key areas such as infrastructure construction, ecological environment protection and construction, structural adjustment, science and technology education, and opening up to the outside world, and achieved initial success. Development has made substantial progress. Reviewing the achievements made in the three years of the grand western development and the actual situation of the Corps, we have come to realize that: First, learning and drawing lessons are the preconditions for the implementation of development. The Corps has nearly 50 years of development experience. However, the development of the west is under the new situation. It faces new environment and new problems and gives new content for development. Western development
本文采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定发中锰含量,当发锰浓度在0~100mg/L范围内,其吸光度与浓度呈直线相关(γ=0.9796),方法回收率为88.6%,锰浓度为0.3μg/ml、1.0μg/ml 时的
依靠表面活性剂的化学能力促使原油流动,通过聚合物的流动特性驱油,这与其它三次采油技术相比,原油的采收率高。本文通过现场试验论述了胶束—聚合物驱油。 The reliance on
The nature of bonding in the title compound has been studed by using CASSCF techniques. The ground state of PtN is found to be 2n state arising primarily from:
三岁那年的一天傍晚,妈妈从地里干完活回家发现我不在了。她房前屋后四处寻找,敲遍了所有邻居家的门,都没找到我。我妈慌乱恐惧,哭喊着去找领导。  她捶胸顿足,哭天抢地,引起了连长和指导员的重视。于是连队的大喇叭开始反复广播,说:“李辉的女儿不见了,有知情者速来办公室报告。”还发动大家一起去找,几乎连里的每一个人听到广播后都放下碗筷,拿起手电筒出了家门。夜色里,到处灯影晃动。连队还派出了两辆拖拉机,各拉
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