
来源 :药物不良反应杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kms2007
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55岁女性腔隙性脑梗死患者,既往有甲状腺机能减退3年,现口服左甲状腺素钠6.25μg,隔日1次。静脉滴注棓丙酯注射液(欣洫通)180mg/次,1次/d。在静滴棓丙酯注射液同日口服左甲状腺素钠片时,患者诉头痛、头胀,血压由原126~130/70mmHg升至150/90mmHg,口服氯沙坦钾(科素亚50mg/片)100mg后血压下降至140/80mmHg。2d后再次合用时,血压又升高到146/90mmHg。 55-year-old female patients with lacunar infarction, previous thyroid hypothyroidism for 3 years, is now taking oral levothyroxine 6.25μg, every other day. Intravenous injection of propyl gallate injection (Xin Yan Tong) 180mg / time, 1 time / d. In intravenous infusion of propyl gallate on the same day oral levothyroxine sodium tablets, the patient complained of headache, head swelling, blood pressure from the original 126 ~ 130 / 70mmHg rose to 150 / 90mmHg, oral losartan potassium ) 100mg blood pressure dropped to 140 / 80mmHg. When combined again after 2 days, the blood pressure increased to 146/90 mmHg.
患者女,39岁.因患慢性粒细胞白血病,口服甲磺酸伊马替尼400 mg,2次/d,2 d后出现呼吸困难、低血压和Kussmaul征阳性,胸部CT显示心包及胸腔积液.停药和心包穿刺及胸膜腔穿刺引
1名82岁2型糖尿病男患者,用格列吡嗪5 mg,3次/d,治疗1~2年.然后,患者停用格列吡嗪,改用阿卡波糖50 mg,3次/d,并增加到100 mg,3次/d.治疗3个月后,出现昏睡.实验室检查显示:血糖
AIM: To evaluate the effects of protein deprivation on the myenteric plexus of the esophagus of weanling rats. METHODS: Pregnant female Wistar rats were divided
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Our world becomes more and more dependent on communications infrastructure such as computer resources,network connections and devices for communications.However
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53岁女性患甲亢、心房颤动17年,入院后因头晕和血栓史,给予疏血通注射液8 ml静脉滴注,1次/d.患者1年前患脑梗死,口服华法林片3.125 mg,1次/d,国际标准化比率(INR)在1.9~2.5之