
来源 :贵阳市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nose88
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筑府办函〔2016〕192号各区、市、县人民政府,高新开发区、经济技术开发区、贵阳综合保税区、贵州双龙航空港经济区管委会,市政府各工作部门:《贵阳市2017年森林防火工作安排意见》已经市人民政府研究同意,现印发给你们,请遵照执行、抓好落实2016年11月21日(此件公开发布) Zhuji Office letter 〔2016〕 192 all districts, cities and counties People’s Government, High-tech Development Zone, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Guiyang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Guizhou Ssangyong Airport Economic Zone Management Committee, the municipal government departments: “Guiyang 2017 Opinions on Arrangements for Forest Fire Prevention Work ”have been researched and approved by the municipal people’s government and are hereby issued to you. Please follow the implementation and do a good job in implementation. 21 November 2016 (This issue is publicized)
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